My son and I got set up to play paintball about a year ago. He's got several friends that play including one other dad. We have a great time. We teach the kids safety, how to handle the guns and maintain them, and using different strategies to win the game.
One of the downfalls is playing with dipshits that won't follow rules of good conduct or safety. We weed out those, and let others know who the losers are so their safety won't be comprmised.
This activity is a kick! Try it sometime!
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. —Edmund Burke
Hey TR and Simon, I enjoy the Laser version of paintball played with phasers or other infrared weapons. Not played in an indoor arena(Laser Blast) but outdoors this is way cool guys! There are sensors built into the head gear and the number of hits you take before you're dead can be adjusted. Shields can be regenerated too. The missions I've been on play out more like RPG's. This is big fun.
ok, bags I have Seven on my side... my plan is that we hide out in a bunker... I'll bring a bottle of wine... some candles... we'll watch the sunset...
... oh, and fight - yes, I'll fire the odd shot into the air to keep the enemy on their toes, LOL