Has anyone divorced a jw and had a good outcome with co-parenting? Has anyone been able to stop the spouse from taking the kids to meetings? Do you think a person can ensure their kids get a quality life if they are out of the home and the ex has primary custody?
serious child custody question
by reneef 4 Replies latest jw friends
You have a PM. Nice to meet you and welcome!
Has anyone divorced a jw and had a good outcome with co-parenting? No, I haven't but quite a few have had here. Have you ever been a JW yourself? Has anyone been able to stop the spouse from taking the kids to meetings? Legally, the spouse can take the children to the meetings just as you can take the children to the church or your choice. Do you think a person can ensure their kids get a quality life if they are out of the home and the ex has primary custody? It would be best if you had primary custody since they would be spending more time without. The important thing is to have a good lawyer so you can clearly set down in writing what are the rights and responsibilities of each parent. JWs expect to be persecuted and so will battle anything the see as a danger. Try to pick your battles. 1) Child be exposed to "false religion" 2) Medical concerns revolving around blood There is a brochure that JWs use in regard to custody when the other parent is not a JW. http://www.freeminds.org/legal/custodynotes.htm http://www.freeminds.org/legal/custody.htm http://www.freeminds.org/legal/magnani.htm www.watchtower.cc/childcustody.pdf
Hi Reneef
Seven years ago I was d/fed and went through a divorce with my first husband. Our son was seven at the time and my primary concern was that he had a good relationship with us both, and that as far as is possible with children of seperated parents, his home life was happy and fairly stable. So we had shared custody.
My ex wanted to continue to take him to meetings and at the time I was happy for him to do so, as the 'truth' was still in my head. Unfortunately I was still of the thinking that even if I die at Armaggedon, at least he will have a chance of surviving. So he has continued to attend meetings with his dad and I do not feel now that I would be able to put a stop to it. I think he would turn round and say he wanted to go and may even say he wanted to live with his dad full time. So that is one I leave alone for now.
As far as his life with us - I encourage him to work hard at school, with a view to him having a career in something he enjoys doing. He plays the guitar and has lessons which I take him to. He goes skateboarding with his 'worldly' mates and they come here to stay and I let him go stay with them. And he does see an alternative to the JW life, in the life that he leads with me, my new husband and his two daughters. He is even allowed Christams presents that our friens and relatives buy for him.
I hope this helps a little bit and wish you well
I have a court order blocking my ex from exposing my children from anyone who shuns me (including my family), from going to any meetings, etc. Of course he doesn't obey Satan's court.