Scary Stuff
Remember, JW's can't vote
by Outaservice 7 Replies latest jw friends
Scary Stuff
Remember, JW's can't vote
I am so glad Hill Baby jumped into the race so early. She will be absolutely pummeled to death by the first primaries next year. She can not so much as take a stand on the local dog catcher much more than national politics. I am waiting for her first apparence on the OREILLY FACTOR don't hold your breath. Bring it on Hill.
zeroday -- just where were you when our current commander and idiot ran thru the primaries ? Talk about a clueless guy . This is in no way sponsoring hillary clinton for president but merely stating a fact here . I just can't see dick chenney getting in tho , I mean if there is hope for the democrats it's that chenney is the GOP nominee if he stays in . Anyway that was very funny>LOL
mean if there is hope for the democrats it's that chenney is the GOP nominee if he stays in .
Not only are you clueless but you obviously don't read. Chenney is not running for President. Try opening a newspaper occasionally. And if you think OLE HILL is the only hope for the DEMS watch out. HILL is OLD DEM. THE OLD DEM that thought it was ok for BILL to get a Blow J** in the oval office. Funny no feminists were around to condem him I wonder why. Funny HILL is so OLD Blow and forget.
As a Floridian..... I found the link funny from the stand point of everyone here stops to gawk at anything on our freeways including someone changing a tire., willing to bring I-4 to a standstill in both directions.
Hillary Clinton,.... I am not a fan but she'd be a "hellava lot better" than the moron in office now. (Didn't vote for him the first time and I was denied my vote overseas the second)
Hillary Clinton,.... I am not a fan but she'd be a "hellava lot better" than the moron in office now.
You and the other DEMS might want to read up on constitutional history. The current MORON is not able to run for a THIRD TERM. Try focusing on the FUTURE I know how hard it is for DEMS to do that. DEMS don't look for ward they only look BACK. And If you think for one second HILL BABE will be the next pressssss well keep think back as far as you can... The farther back the better.
my goodness, politics brings out the nasty in people doesn't it? Especially Republicans, in my experience. Also, republicans never even consider any other party, my Republican friends always act as if someone who isn't republican just HAS to be a democrat. What if you're sick of all of them? I vote Libertarian every chance I get.
That said, isn't voting fun? JWs miss out on some really entertaining stuff by refusing to get involved. I love voting, have even voted for a Republican (Schwarzenegger). I am enjoying watching the two major parties make their moves - one side trots out Hillary, the other side trots out a few people, then the Dems come up with Barrack obama or whatever his name is, so interesting that with every possibility in the world of actually winning the election this time, the dems come up with two front runners that really polarize opinion. and then the republicans counter with Giuliani, great move! All the dems have come up with in response so far, at least as far as I have seen, is a tacky photo of Giuliani kissing his wife.
Not mis-spelling on purpose, and tired of capitalizing, so forgive the errors, please.
Nobody and I mean nobody can defend GWs lack of knowledge when he was elected . Gee you can pick on me for not knowing the current GOP situation if you want but that doesn't mean GW knew what he was doing . The only foreign leaders he knew of was saddam hussein and the bin laden family in saudi arabia .LOL I probly won't vote anyway , I do agree with the libertarians tho they don't have a very good leader and don't get much exposure. They are more or less known as the anarchy party.