A deep dark cave

by Honesty 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty

    That's what one of my friends said today. She also said that her spirit was very troubled as she and a Jehovah's Witness were discussing salvation and the JW said that true Christians have to be good to be in a saved condition. I had never actually thought of it that way but since she mentioned it I can understand how people who have no idea of WT teachings would be troubled when they hear a JW tell them that a person has to be good to have salvation. She said that she felt like she had been inside a deep dark cave with no light at all as she and the JW were talking.

  • Crumpet

    Do you mean that people of other christian faiths dont believe you have to be good to be saved - ie that as long as they have accepted Christ they can carry on as immoral people or worse with impunity? Sorry I'm not poking fun, but this is new to me - but then again I dont really mix with religious people...

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    It is like a deep dark cave and they want to suck you in with them.

    Crumpet mainstream Christians believe that it is all about Jesus and what He did for us on the cross, not what we can do for God.

    In other words if there was anything we could have done to earn salvation Jesus would not have had to die. When one admits they are a sinner, believes Jesus died for thier sins, and chooses Him, He then comes into your life and helps you to change those things that are hurting you.

  • Honesty
    Do you mean that people of other christian faiths dont believe you have to be good to be saved - ie that as long as they have accepted Christ they can carry on as immoral people or worse with impunity? Sorry I'm not poking fun, but this is new to me - but then again I dont really mix with religious people...

    No, crumpet. My friend knows that no matter how "good" a person is that doesn't get them a free ticket to ride into Paradise. We are all sinners no matter how "good" we are or appear to be. Besides, Jesus didn't come to save "good" people. He came to save sinners.

  • Honesty

    Very well said, Kate.

    That's the difference between the cults and Christianity.

  • Crumpet

    Thank you for explaining - actually if you read the bible it does say that, but I'm so used to the "faith without works is dead" philosophy which still seems on some level to make more sense - like what would be the point of saving paedophiles and murderers as surely they'd carry on and ruin any new world they were granted entry to.....

    Having said that - I always feel much more motivated to be good or do kind things because I have seen or felt or witnessed an act of kindness rather than because it is my moral obligation or duty to do so.

    Interesting thoughts to ponder - so thank you apostatekate and honesty!

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