The JWs are taught that they are on a one-way street ... it is their way, or the highway. They criticize, but cannot be criticized. They have corrupted the word "truth" to mean one exclusive organization being used by God ... whereas the Bible only uses truth in two specific ways ... one is faith in Jesus who said of himself that he is the truth .. and whether one is walking in the faith, or walking in the truth ... meaing continuing to follow Jesus Christ. There is nothing about a specific organizsation.
I have found one avenue that presents a measure of success. Learn to talk to JWs without appearing to have an agenda ... that is stop asking what are known as apostate questions ... 1914, blood, false prophecy, etc. These are topics that are on the JWs terms, and they have a keen sense brainwashed into them to auto-respond to these types of issues. Instead, I have found that using what I call the "Colombo" effect works well. Many here may recall a TV series called Colombo, staring a detective who acted like an unsure, bumbling goof, who used questions to trap the suspect into convicting himself.
Example: Some JWs are calling on me on a semi-regular basis. When they present their literature, I take it, and say that I will read it, and I do. But I do not argue with them about the literature or directly criticize it. Instead, I reveal that I am Roman Catholic. I reveal that I do not agree with the Vatican on every issue ... but that does not affect my basic faith in Jesus Christ as my savior. They respond with sincerety, and may ask me about world conditions ... perhaps they talk about 9-11, and the end times ... I then take a cue from what "they" said, rather than what their organization says or prints, and develop it with questions. I may start off asking why they think that 9-11 is anything special compared to previous events, such as WWII, or the French Revolution, or whatever major event in history. I ask them to tell me more about 9-11. They don't, because they have little to parrot from the Society. Instead, they try to link the last days and critical times being hard to deal wiith being here, and how we are in the last days. ... Then, they have now stepped onto my turf ... they are on the defensive ... but I questions them to death with an honest Colombo style ... so, we talk about war, and rumors of war ... and I commend them for giving a great example ... I tell them that is something to consider ... if they have not volunteered already, I ask them where that is in the Bible ... they then go right to Matt. 24. I tell them how interesting ... can we read more from the same chapter, as this is interesting ... then, when we get to the end of Matt. 24, I use the Bible to act confused ... how Jesus said that all these things are not to make the disciples afrad, for the end is not yet ... for the return (presense) of the son of man is a surprise, like sudden lightening coming from the east andf shinning all the way to the west ... and no one will miss it. I ask them to explain these part, as I am confused ... they are not used to being on my turf, and do not have a ready explanation. They get nervous ... I tell that that I have to run, and ask them to come back. I do not draw conclusions (though sometimes I have exerted a small amount of knowledge to help things along) ... I let them think about what they just experienced. And ... they keep coming back for more.
This is how I got my family and a few friends out of the organization ... and hopefully will help more.
Jim Whitney