A Part of the World

by comment 7 Replies latest jw friends

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    Brothers and sisters, let's rise now and join in the singing of Song Number 24, "A Part of the World." It's loosely based on John 17:16.


    Although God once set us apart,
    Lloyd Barry had a change of heart.
    A part of the UN are we;
    Since '91 we chose to be.

    All worldly trends we used to avoid,
    But with the harlot we're now employed.
    From beastly things we don't abstain;
    We're joining in so we'll remain.

    The UN's friendship we cultivate,
    Just one more thing God tolerates.
    Yes, persecution we expect,
    But the UN will us protect.

    So we'll sit back and wait for new light;
    The faithful slave must have this one right.
    We'll publish nice things in Awake!,
    And of UN care we'll partake.

  • comment

    Come on--SOMEBODY must know how to sing! ;)


  • Seeker


    Here's my contribution:

    Song 8 - Loyally Submitting to Theocratic Order

    As Jehovah's people sound throughout the earth
    Truths about the UN, of such priceless worth,
    Theocratic order they must all obey
    And remain united, nothing bad to say.


    DPI, our leader, is in full control;
    They equip the NGO that they do enroll.
    'Tis a spir'tual warfare, so we get to lie
    To our group, united, who never ask us "Why?"


    Then we have the UN
    and their active troops.
    These will ever guide us
    through their circus hoops.

    So may we be steadfast,
    seek UN to please,
    Loyally proclaiming
    all sneaky decrees!

    Loyal submission in recognition,
    This to UN we owe.
    They give protection, but no affection.
    Loyalty to them we show

  • comment


    Uplifting sentiments indeed! I like the "circus hoops."

    At this rate, we'll soon have the whole songbook rewritten! We're 1/112.5th of the way already. ;)


  • troubled

    Sung to the Tune of Song 15:
    Life Without End at Last!

    Here I am
    Posting Again
    Knowing I'm an Outsider

    Still I stay here
    Throught taunt and jeer
    Searching through threads to find

    True info I can weigh
    Without the hate or plain hearsay
    No hasty slam
    Or verbal spam
    But an interchange of the mind

    Some were hurt
    treated like dirt
    So they pounce on each random Dub posting

    Trade bruises for sprains
    But neither gains
    Both stewing in our own brine

    Can't we try to keep our cool?
    Must we paint the other fool?
    We disagree
    Sometimes violently
    But where do we draw the line?

  • troubled


    This wasn't really directed to you, just an observation about the general negative tone that sometimes exists on this forum.

    And besides, I couldn't resist the urge to make up a little ditty of my own.

  • Pathofthorns

    HA HA... you guys are all nuts! Thanks for the laughs. The song titles and words and melodies are so lame to begin with that it doesn't take much twisting.


  • Seeker

    Nice job, troubled. I knew that wasn't directed at me since I'm one of those who hates name-calling and fighting.

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