Can one find sunshine when one is only looking for gloomy clouds?
Can happiness be found if one only seeks sadness and anger?
Can joy be found if the seeker is only interested in discovering misery?
Does one discover charity when the search is only for greed?
Will one be able to recognize cooperation and peace if one is blind to anything but anarchy?
Will one miss the serenity of peaceful times when one longs only to see times-of-war?
Can love be recognized if the seeker is only looking to find hate?
Is this not exactly the way the Watchtower society has "trained" its members to be? How often do you see the Watchtower celebrating and applauding the many, many GOOD and wonderful things that have been evidence during the last say, fifty years?
Have you ever seen any publication from the Watchtower Corporation that states the obvious: in all of man's history, NOW is the BEST time to live?
Doesn't it just pain you to the bone to see JWs so full of a renewed HOPE because nearly 7,000 innocent people were massacred by a few crazy religious fanatics?
Is it any surprise that such a way-of-life must definitely contribute to severe depression amongst JWs? Imagine this: a dub spends his entire life LOOKING for the bad in the world and ignoring all the good which far exceeds any bad. After an entire life of looking for some "clue" that some "bad" just MIGHT trigger the big Armageddon fantasy, a dub is sick and old and dying. And disappointed, because that hope was a lie and a life was spent without joy, without genuine optimism for the human condition and without any fulfillment or contribution to leave as a legacy.
The whole religious world of JWs is built upon isolation, pessimism and focus on everything which normal folks would consider to be depressing.
Is it any wonder why most folks think dubs are crazy? Is it any wonder that dubs in fact ARE crazy for electing to live such tragic and pathetic lives?
"When in doubt, duck!"