Let's piece together the history of the GB of the JWs to better understand its nature. I start by mentioning that Russell started it all by investing a lot of his money to set up the WTS therefore inevitably he must have seen it as his own property, if he put in the money he should also have control over it. Then other people became investors by buying shares. It was not their spirituality that put them in a high rank in the org but their physical wealth, the god of Mammon. Clearly this org is not primarily a religion but a business. Perhaps it is jehovah's org but never Christ's Church. To this day the capital investors wish to control it while some "poor but spiritual anointed and loyal dubs" naively think they will be allowed a say in the running of the org. Unfortunately for them they have no money to invest.
The history of the Governing Body
by greendawn 7 Replies latest jw experiences
I start by mentioning that Russell started it all by investing a lot of his money to set up the WTS therefore inevitably he must have seen it as his own property, if he put in the money he should also have control over it.
It's possible that Russell invested his own money...but then it's also possible that others invested money...quite possibly a good deal more than Russell. And as time went on, more and more money was invested until the a-borg-ination we have today was firmly established. Remember...in those days following the money was harder to do than nowadays. And don't forget...a person can claim to have started something using his own money when in reality it was the money of others. We see examples of this even today. For instance, when a chef is interviewed about his restaurant, he may say "I started the restaurant 2 years ago and it's been a success since day one!" But what about his hidden silent partners who actually bankrolled the endeavor? Why aren't they mentioned by the chef? Because they don't want to be mentioned. Do you think they don't have control of the restaurant because they're not mentioned?
The Governing Body started with the 12 apostles and then the council in Jerusalem.....Everybody knows that!
I have just started reading The Four Presidents of the WTS, by Edmond Gruss. I was reading the section, Russell the Businessman, last night. Apparently his father was quite successful before CTR was born.
Gruss references the Russell v. Russell case (1907 on appeal) saying it brought out the many investments and business ventures in which CTR was involved in years after he sold his clothing stores. It says, "Not only was he involved in real estate, rental and oil property, but many other enterprises. Those mentioned in court testimony include: Brazilian Turpentine Company, Pittsburgh Asphaltum Company, Silica Brick Company, Pittsburgh Kaolin Company, Black's Run Coal Syndicate, Rock Run Fuel and Gas Company, U.S. Coal and Coke Company and the Tower Publishing Company."
CTR is quoted as making the statement, 'everything that goes into the Watch Tower is under my supervision.'
There was also a company called Solon Society or Solon Association and a firm called Logan, Land & Whitehouse. They were apparently used to buy all kinds of household goods, furniture, etc at wholesale rates. CTR first denied any knowledge of Solon in court testimony but under cross examination by Maria's attorney admitted his involvement.
Clayton J. Woodworth was one of the principals of Solon. There is some interesting info concerning CJW and demon possession at http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/2919/wood.html -
The Governing Body started with the 12 apostles and then the council in Jerusalem.....Everybody knows that! Red dot
Yeah, and they all went to sleep until 1972 when they were revived into the new and improved Governing Body.
Hi Greendawn...........I'm glad you brought that up, there really hasn't been enough mentioned on the forum about the business structuring of the WTS. from the beginning of
C.T. Russell and J. Russell his father / buisnes partner and their slow climb up the tower of the almighty watchtower or should I say atop the pyramid .
A good personal profile on these business men as well as others should be re-examined and laid out so people know how this great kingdom came to be !
Money and power has been a pervasive desire for man since the beginning of human history........RELIGION is just another vehicle to obtain that.
This is very important for ex-jws and the general public to know who, what, how and why the WTS. got created in the first place.
It's all precious knowledge for everyone's concern............not to say that the information already brought out has not been good or of any value.
Kaput and Mene you bring up good points Russell was deeply into business and had his fingers in many pies, not the picture of a man totally dedicated to religion and the chief servant of the spiritual interests of the flock. We also do not know who else was putting money in the WTS, were the Judeo-masons also involved in setting up the org? Honesty and Minimus in fact the words Governing Body were first used in 1944 and were another term for board members of the corporation (society) which let's not forget Rutherford had rendered powerless in 1917 during his dash for total power. They had no real power until the 1970's until then all power was vested in the president and the GB members simply advised. Thetrueone indeed one of the first things those interested in the dubs should learn is their history. As my grandfather used to say "religion is the shield of the cowards and the crooks".
But in 1976 the president surrendered all his powers to the members of the GB who were no longer identical with the board of directors though all board directors were to be chosen from the GB. The GB then formed various committees eg writing, service, teaching to help them control the WTS. Knorr died about a year after passing all his authority to the GB. He had also decreed that decisions were to be validated after gaining a two third majority vote by the GB.