What I've written here is a straightforward, easy-to-digest, basic factual summary of the issue. Feel free to send it to anyone you like or post it anywhere.
An NGO is a Non-Governmental Organization.
According to the definition used by the United Nations (UN), NGOs operate on a non-profit basis, perform humanitarian work and advocate various causes with governments.
More than 1,500 NGOs have voluntarily applied to cooperate with the Department of Public Information (DPI) of the UN.
In order for the UN to accept an application, an NGO must agree to build support for the UN and to disseminate information about it to their members.
The Watchtower Society voluntarily applied to cooperate with the DPI of the UN in 1991. The application was successful.
The contact person listed on the application was Lloyd Barry, a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses.
For many years, the Watchtower Society has identified the UN as the "scarlet-colored wild beast" and "the disgusting thing" of Bible prophecy.
The Watchtower Society has repeatedly stated that the UN blasphemes by setting itself up as mankind's best hope for world peace rather than promoting God's Kingdom.
The Watchtower Society has repeatedly condemned religions that cooperate with the UN, identifying them as "Babylon the Great, the mother of the harlots and the disgusting things of the earth."
Since 1991, the Watchtower Society has never informed Jehovah's Witnesses about its status as a UN NGO.
Since 1991, the Watchtower Society has published a wide range of articles in its journals, The Watchtower and Awake!, disseminating information about the activities of the UN.
A description of the responsibilities of UN NGOs can be found at this Web address:
A list of UN NGOs, including the Watchtower Society, can be found at this Web address:
Some other UN NGOs include the Salvation Army, the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church, and the World Muslim Congress.