No Joke: Prince to file paternity claim for Smiths baby
by Amnesty Vendor 9 Replies latest social entertainment
Almost had me!!!
Prince Frederic von Anhalt
You're joke...
But I saw it coming anyway
Amnesty Vendor
I had to laugh at myself when I saw the heading title.
It's funny how anxious we can be for a bit of juicy gossip. -
I am just making the link clickable.
Never mind.
If you would of said Kanye West, I would have believed it because she was in one of his videos!
No Apologies
I wasn't going to bring it up, but I feel like you are all family, so I might as well let you all in on the news: I am the father of Anna Nicole's baby, and my lawyers and I will be filing the necessary papers very soon.
I don't have a lot of financial resources, but I hope with the good wishes and support of everyone here, justice will prevail!!
No Apologies
p.s. can anyone tell me, is my baby a boy or a girl?
Oh, ZING! You got me.
I think it's a real sad day when the nation is fixated on Baby Mama Drama. Tabloid reporting FTL.
Sorry, No Apologies,
I'm certain I got there first. That child's mustache will be white.