Oops lol - i'm in trouble

by KW13 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • KW13

    Today mum and stepdad went away for about a week, i went to their home knowing that while they were away i could steal it for a bit (they didnt agree to this)...anyway i put my already bent key in the door...wont open...i kicked it a few times...wont open...your thinking "i know where this is going, the door comes down"

    I totally buggered the lock, my key snapped inside right at the top so most of its in the lock. I iz dead!

  • free2think

    Damn.................. What are you gonna do? Maybe they won't notice..........

  • KW13

    i could hope they dont notice lmao but i think maybe jehovah could tell them in a dream before i get chance to think of some good excuses.

    they could look on the bright side tho, at least the front door is almost burglar proof now.

  • unique1

    Either take a huge magnet to it or call a locksmith and see if he can get the broken piece out.

  • AlmostAtheist

    Is there time to call a locksmith? They can probably work it out of there.


  • free2think

    i could hope they dont notice lmao but i think maybe jehovah could tell them in a dream before i get chance to think of some good excuses.

    they could look on the bright side tho, at least the front door is almost burglar proof now.

    LMAO! So really you did them a favour.

  • becca1

    Years ago my brother in law "borrowed" his Mom's car when she went out of town. He had an accident and wrecked it. He took it to the body shop, had it repaired and painted and parked it in the driveway just in time for Mom's return. She took one look at the car and said: what did you do to my car? He was soo busted!

  • misanthropic

    Ouch, yeah I would call a locksmith like a couple of people recommended already.

  • deeskis


    I thought you had posted more nuddie pics of uncle bruce! haha

    well you've got to fix the mess KW, and go watch Ferris Beullers day off!

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