Gilead study course I would like to know MORE about Gilead Does anybody know and does want to help me? I always had a lot of curiosity on Gilead..... Which is the " disciplines " (study course ) that they have?! How many hours do study in class per day?! Does she have a book of them how the elders and the pioneers? When they are at the school does he have to read the Bible all?! Did they tell me that they receive and do they study the new publications that they will be realese in the Congress, it is true? Do they make proofs (exams) and if yes they can reprove? and if can reprove, go so the graduation and are they designated? Here there are some former-gileade gilead’s?! were they willing to give me some explanations? thank you for the comments
Gilead study course
by ALEX_2003 1 Replies latest jw friends
w561/1pp.4-5Part25:ExpansioninEuropeandAfrica(1945-1955)***Since 1880 the Watch Tower Society’s literature has been circulating in Europe. In time the three centers, Britain, Central Europe (headed by Switzerland) and Northern Europe (headed by Denmark and Sweden), became the strongholds of Jehovah’s witnesses. From these points the entire continent was served, with Germany eventually becoming a most fruitful field of expansion. During both World War I and World War II these three centers survived intact and became generating points for quick revivals for all other parts of Europe. In 1942 the witnesses operated in thirteen countries, with 22,796 active ministers on the continent of Europe, not counting the German associates whom Hitler had banned and imprisoned. At the close of the second world war there was a rapid reopening of activities in banned countries, sparked by a survey tour by President Knorr and his secretary, M. G. Henschel, during the winter of 1945-1946. By 1947 the revived witnesses in nineteen countries of Europe reported 74,196 ministers in the field service. In 1946 the Society began to send some Gilead-trained missionaries into Europe, and in this year it spent money, a hundred thousand dollars, in opening up branch offices and purchasing printing equipment. Recovery has been rapid. Results in gathering the other sheep have been astounding. In 1955 there were 227,374 active European ministers of the witnesses. Of these, 278 were Gilead-trained missionaries, working full time.