Mystical Manipulation - an example

by Lady Lee 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Abandoned made a post that struck me like a bolt of lightening

    How did you wonderful people know I needed this? This is so cool.

    It was on the thread about pdf converters. A couple of other posters also said the info was helpful but it must of been the way Abandoned said it that struck a chord in me.

    Now the concept of Mythical Manipulation claims that events like this are due to some heavenly force and are a sign from above that the person is on the right track. The WTS uses these events as proof that they alone have God's backing

    I know that as a JW there were many times when I had been wondering about something and poof there it was in a publication. Proof positive that the WTS had God's backing

    Now I don't for one minute believe that some higher power motivated me to post the info about pdf creators so a few posters would think I have some special track on what they need. It is absurd thinking. Right?

    But the WTS uses this kind of thinking. Cults do that. They attrubute this kind of event as proof they have God's support.

    But stop and think for one minute about the vast amount of data the WTS churns out. Some of it is bound to be exactly what someone was looking for or wondering about.

    It's called coincidence.

    and it has absolutely nothing to to with God or the Holy Spirit

    Thanks Abandoned for my light bulb coincidence

    Anyone else got some examples?

  • mrsjones5

    Are you talking about "The Secret"?

  • greendawn

    Lady Lee I like how "...the concept of Mythical Manipulation" plays with "mystical manipulation" obviously for you mystical is mythical. It's a great play on words. However for the WTS it may be that the demons, and not the Holy Spirit, are directing them to people with problems because the WTS has a policy of recruiting such people from vulnerable groups. And of course they go on to indoctrinate them in a deceptive way.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    I had never heard of "the Secret"

    My eyes have been opened lol

    greendawn I think you just might have something there

  • proplog2

    You don't see all the mail boxes around you until you have a letter you want to mail.

    Funny how you see so many cars on the road that look just like the one you just bought.

    And then you see they all seem to be rusting in the same spot.

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