Courtroom oaths okay for JW's?

by Fatfreek 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Fatfreek

    A close friend has been allowing a Bible study to be conducted with him. (The reasons are very complicated as he is as anti JW as I am and most of you. Bear with me on this one.)

    He's tempted to challenge his "teacher" and asked me for my opinion about Matt 5 and James 5 where Jesus said "Do not swear at all", etc.

    He says that those verses appears to him like one of those absolute statements that simply cannot be taken any other way -- no spinning allowed. That a true Christian shouldn't be allowed to take a courtroom oath -- kind of like Mennonites and other fundies.

    I told him I'd been away for so long that I don't know what the JW's teach about it. Later, however, I checked my 2005 WT Lib and here's a partial quote from them:

    *** w03 1/15 p. 21 Questions From Readers ***

    There is no Scriptural objection to taking an oath. However, a Christian does not have to take an oath so as to back up every statement that he makes. Jesus said: "Just let your word Yes mean Yes, your No, No." (Matthew 5:33-37) The disciple James made a similar point. When he said "stop swearing," he was warning against frivolous oath taking. (James 5:12) Neither Jesus nor James said that it is wrong to take an oath to tell the truth in court.

    Is this another instance whether the JW's put their tail between their legs in order to stay in operation in many countries?


  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    I long for the day when they SHOW their intended prey HOW to repent.

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