Hello all I hope everyone and thier families are doing ok. I am doing good adjusting to a new routine was easier than I thought. I got my motorcyle back in working order so thats great. I was riding with my friend Eddy and he told me this girl was intrested in me (one of his wifes friends). So he hooks it up and I meet her. She was nice and pretty. She asks me if I wanted to go see the movie Children of men with her. I say yes and we go. I am sitting in the theater and toward the end theres this gun battle scene. And I was like wow they did a good job on this scene. I wasnt scared but my hands started shaking and my heart started to beat really fast. I told her I had to use the bathroom, so I got up. I just reached the door and I vomitted RIGHT THERE! What the hell! Just as I am finished helping the custodian she walks out asking if I was ok. The custodian says "Oh he just threw up" (jerk). I was really embarassed but I wasnt sick. My buddy says its post traumatic stress, but I have watched gun battles before and that has never happend. She has called me three times since then. I was to embarassed to answer. Does anybody know whats going on?
Whats Going on?
by Xnived Shadow 8 Replies latest jw friends
Maybe some sort of bug?
It sounds more likely to me than being anything to do with the movie. Don't get embarassed about it, people do get bugs like that, and they come and go pretty quickly. I'd ring her if you like her and she likes you. I'm sure she'd be understanding.
Madame Quixote
I don't know your story, so I could not know what's going on. Ask a doctor about it.
It could be PTSD, if you've had much trauma; it can sneak up; however, it could just be a food allergy or some other kind of anxiety-related issue . . . first date . . . too embarassed to call the girl back?
There's nothing really to be embarassed about, regardless of the cause of illness. Illness (physical or mental) is a human thing and the girl wouldn't be much of a human if she had not called you back.
I hope you call her back and don't make a big deal of that incident . . . maybe go see a movie that's non-violent next time, if you suspect PTSD.
Talk to a doctor, though! Please. It could be any number of things, hun.
I just did an article profiling a returning vet from Iraq. I would guess that you are undergoing a degree of PTSD - it's very common and completely understandable. Nothing to be ashamed of, for sure.
Answer the phone calls from this woman. She sounds pretty good to me, and at least she deserves a little consideration and a personal reply, don't you think?
Good luck, man. I wish you all the best.
Xnived Shadow
Yeah your right....ok making an appt tommorow, swallowing pride and calling her tonite (I would be a jerk if I didnt). Thanks FOD, Madame, and Seeker!
Maybe it was just something you ate didn’t sit well in you stomach. Try again.
Agreed, It could have just been a bug. Give her a call!!!
My wife works at the State Penitentiary and watched this movie with a friend. She's got a fairly strong palate for violence but that particular movie really got to her. It may have just been something about that scene or the way it was shot that induced a bad reaction for you man.
Look at a war movie at home with a close friend to see how it affects you. You could have PTSD especially if you were in a situation where you or your comrades lives were at stake, or even if you just saw dead bodies. You will have to go through some readjustment. Don't feel to badly about what happened. You're human and everyone gets sick sometimes. For all she knows, you just didn't want to call off the date because of not feeling well. If she's calling you, it didn't bother her. IMHO
Take care