5000 year old Dominator System

by PrimateDave 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PrimateDave

    After listening to the interview found on this web page:


    I did some additional reading on the "Dominator System".

    I found an interesting quote (from http://www.pcdf.org/Living_Economies/IV_Awakening.htm) that reads:

    "The dominator model is based on top down control. It leads to a world of coercive hierarchy, competition, and violence. Every relationship is defined by who is on top and who is on the bottom; who gives orders and who takes orders. Be a winner or be a loser. Rule or be ruled. Kill or be killed. The dominator society has its own golden rule: “He who has the gold rules.” So “Go for the gold,” and be sure you get more of it than your neighbor, because “It’s a dog eat dog world.” In a dominator world, hierarchy legitimates itself with the promise to impose peace and security on an otherwise chaotic and dangerous world."

    It seems to me that Jehovah's Witnesses live in and support a Dominator System which is fundamentally at odds with their stated goals of peace, unity, and love.

    Any thoughts?


  • Satanus

    The whole standard god concept is based on it. God is the most powerful, smartest, ultimate whatever. It is based on the animal nature. God, the alpha animal. Any bible believer subscribes to it.


  • PrimateDave

    Thanks for the reply, Satanus. I offered the links because they show that there is a different way. Our ancestral cultures, before being swept aside by the current "empire" culture, were mostly Partnership Systems. There are those who see the cracks in the foundation of the current Dominator System and seek to steer our culture back to the more sustainable systems of Partnership.

    While I no longer believe in "Armageddon" or other Biblically based end-time scenarios, I have a great deal of curiosity about the near future of humanity.

    Mankind seems to be heading down a path of self destruction, and there won't be a Sky Daddy to save us from ourselves.

    Technology, used within the context of the current Dominator System, will not save us, but will continue to curtail our individual freedoms, create greater disparities of wealth and poverty, and enable even greater rates of resource consumption and biosphere destruction.

    Change will not come about from those ruling elites at the top of the Dominator System, unless it is to their clear advantage. I think that they must like things the way that they are. Unfortunately, humanity will be forced to change when we are finally confronted with our own biological limits on this planet.


  • Satanus

    I think that you are veiwing only the efforts of those in power, and what may happen if they are left to go unhindered. The other side of the picture is humanity, and as well, humanitarians who are working for the good of humanity from within the power structure. There are a few of these. Napoleon is one who dealt a huge blow to the dominator system, as you call it. His legal system is still used in a few countries. Humanity is also becoming slightly more aware and slightly more educated as a whole, than in times past. People are demanding more, and getting what they demand. Power is really in the hands of the people, if they only knew it, if they cared, and if they resist the deceptions and spins thrown at them by those in power.



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