I heard my father telling my sister that yesterday's watchtower study contained new information, ie 'new light'. The thing is he was excited about it, said it gave him goosebumps. How does that even make any sense? Why would you be happy to know that until now they either had it wrong or lied, both of which make it fairly obvious that they are not the mouthpiece or whatever of god. Its just annoying.
Some JW's will never see the light
by Pwned 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It's because they are so bored of hearing the same thing over and over again that anything new is exciting.
Hi pwned,
I've heard 'new light' called 'new truth' before.
It doesn't make sense. How can you have a new truth? Does that mean there was an old truth? Surely the old truth, was just a false? -
Goosebumps= We'll own the world someday.
A Paduan
Every one who drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst
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speaking in tongues?
I agree with the previous posters (even Woodsman).
If their message stays the same, it's proof that they are right.
If their message changes, it's proof that the light is getting brighter
because the end is closer and they were right all along.
If they change the message, they were not wrong before, just they
are more right now.Being "Discreet" would mean to be quiet until you are sure. If you
don't know, you are either silent, or you say "I don't know."
New light would compliment old light, add to it's previous truth with
more truth. Unless the light is faulty to begin with.