Passenger plane missing
by zebagain 5 Replies latest social current
While sympathizing with the lost lives, there is always the detached fascination with levitation.
Did not the same type plane land in the smooth waters of the Hudson River, eased down by the glider-trained pilot? Did not another bigger airbus stall all the way into the ocean between Brazil and Paris?
what does the 'no signal' signal?
CNN are already all over it - they like to devote a disproportionate amount of time to one particular event even though there are other things happening in the world. It also gives them another chance to talk more about the other plane.
Sad for all those involved of course - people just getting from A to B thinking it would be another routine trip and families are without loved ones.
We will never be able to remove all risk from life. However many die in individual incidents and how ever safe air travel is, it's always shocking when so many souls are lost all at once - possibly because anyone who ever gets on a plane knows there is nothing you can do to alter the fact that one day it could be you.