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[TITLE]From "REQUIRED APPLICATION MATERIALS" (re: UN application for status as an NGO under the "Department of Public Information") [/TITLE]
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[FONT SIZE=2][P] Current Jehovah's Witness[/P]
[P] Canada[/P]
[P] ;[/P]
[P]TO whom it may concern[/P]
[P]Room S-1070L[/P]
[P]United Nations[/P]
[P]New York, New York, 10017, USA[/FONT] [/P]
[P]Dear Sir/ Madam[/P]
[P]I wish to bring to your attention a matter of concern. It is regarding an abuse of the resources of the United Nations and an injustice done to millions of persons by means of a conspiracy conducted by an organization which is currently registered as an NGO.[/P]
[P]The organization is known as the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York.[/P]
[P] ;[/P]
[P]From the UN document "REQUIRED APPLICATION MATERIALS" (re: UN application for status as an NGO under the "Department of Public Information") [/P][P]The Watchtower needed to provide the following:[/P]
[LI]"A copy of the organization's constitution/charter or by-laws"[/LI][/OL]
[P]Comment: As one of Jehovah's Witnesses,* neither I, nor any long time member, has ever seen any such "constitution/charter or by-laws" as such does not exist. Anything that you have been provided by the Watchtower Society is a fabrication. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has never, in it's 120 year history, attempted to provide such to it's constituency. The Watchtower Society has printed the "Watchtower" magazine, as well as the "Awake" twice monthly for the entire 19[SUP]th[/SUP] century, and never once issued such.[/P][P]2) "Official proof of non-profit status, issued by public authorities, and tax exemption status"[/P][P]Comment: The status of the Watchtower as a not-for-profit incorporated organization is in doubt, and in France has been revoked. In France they must pay a 60% tax on corporate profits, and this means a substantial sum.[/P]
[P]3) "A copy of the organization's most recent annual budget or financial statement"[/P][P]Comment: As above* , again, we in the constituency are not, and have never been allowed to see this information, -as the Watchtower is extremely secretive.[/P][DIR]
[P]4) "Evidence of an active information programme relevant to the United Nations:[/P]
[P]at least six (6) samples of the organization's most recent information materials (e.g. newsletter, periodicals, tapes of radio or television programmes, conference reports)[/P]
[P] (Note: Electronic materials, such as Web sites or periodicals, should be sent in hard copy form.)" [/P][P]Comment: The Watchtower has absolutely no "programme relevant to the United Nations". Anything the Watchtower has provided the UN with respect to this is most surely a fabrication and a manipulation of facts. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society teaches that they are God's voice on Earth, and they speak very poorly of the UN. If the Watchtower were asked to provide the UN a copy of their library on cd-rom, the Watchtower would almost certainly deny the request. [/P]
[P] A search of their CD-rom (wlib 99) for the words United Nations would reveal their true position in this regard. The search would reveal hundreds of examples of derogatory remarks about the UN, including that the UN is the "beast of Revelation" (last book of the Bible) and fit only for destruction at Armageddon.[/P]
[P] [/P]
[P] The Watchtower uses every opportunity to deride the UN, both in print and at public conventions attended by tens of thousands of persons world-wide every year. A sample is provided, taken from the book "Isaiah's Prophecy" (vol. 1) printed by The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Please note that this sample was part of the Watchtower's mandatory "book study" for the week commencing September 24, 2001. [/P]
[P] ;[/P]
[P]14) During the coming day of Jehovah's judgement upon Christendom and other segments of the world empire of false religion, what will people do? Faced with deteriorating conditions earth wide, most will likely come to realize that their idols are valueless. In place of these, they may well seek refuge and protection in nonspiritual, earthly organizations, perhaps including the United Nations, the "scarlet-colored wild beast" of Revelation chapter 17. It is "the ten horns" of that symbolic wild beast that will destroy Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion, of which Christendom is a significant part. -Revelation 17:3,8-12,16,17.[/P]
[P]In the question at the bottom of the page, the Watchtower then goes on to ask…[/P][/DIR]
[LI]During the upcoming day of Jehovah's judgement upon the world empire of false religion, what will worldly-minded men do?[/LI][/OL]
[P]The footer at the bottom of the page reads … "On "the day of Jehovah," the world empire of false religion will be devastated." [/P][DIR]
[P]In this study, the Watchtower derides all other religions and states that when things get tough, all other religions (being false) will abandon any "faith" in God and turn to contemptible "nonspiritual" organizations, the worst of which is "the United Nations," the UN being condemned as "scarlet-colored wild beast" of Revelation chapter 17." and soon to be destroyed also.[/P]
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[P] If a Jehovah's Witness, a member of the Watchtower's constituency, were questioned regarding this, and the "witness" was not coached by the Watchtower, the interview would reveal that the "witness" perceived what the Watchtower wrote to be 'God's words' and to be adhered to even in the face of death. Thus, all Witnesses are taught that the United Nations is evil, and following the destruction of all earth's religions (except the Watchtower religion) the UN will also be destroyed.[/P]
[P] ;[/P][P]5) "Letters of recommendation of organizations (UN or others)"[/P][P]Comment: Any letters of recommendation that the Watchtower has provided the UN are surely from organizations that the Watchtower herself controls, and hence, these would most certainly speak well of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.[/P]
[P] ;[/P]
[P]Comment: The Watchtower is diametrically opposed to everything the UN stands for. If the UN desires proof of this, they need only request the official cd-rom library from the Watchtower and search it for references to the UN. If the Watchtower refuses, the writer of this document will provide one. Also, the Watchtower has hidden its participation in the UN from its constituency. If the Watchtower were required to print, in it's semi-monthly journal "The Watchtower", the facts of its involvement with the UN, then the Watchtower would voluntarily decline its status as an NGO. They would relinquish their NGO status rather than to allow the constituency to know the truth. They wish to keep the facts secret from their constituency, and the reason is simple - they teach the constituency that God has condemned the UN as an instrument of Satan. If the truth of the matter came to light, then the constituency would not only object strongly, but in fact the Watchtower's duplicity would cause a mass exodus of members. The truth would kill the movement.[/P]
[P]From the UN document "CRITERIA FOR ASSOCIATION WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INFORMATION",[FONT SIZE=4] [/FONT]we find that the Watchtower "must support and respect the principles of the Charter of the United Nations;". I assure the reader that the Watchtower most certainly does not support in any way shape or form the above mentioned, and any communication given the UN with regard to the Watchtower's supposed support is a blatant lie.[/P]
[P]From the same UN document we find that "The NGO must have the commitment and the means to conduct effective information programmes with its constituents and to a broader audience about UN activities by publishing newsletters, bulletins and pamphlets; organizing conferences, seminars and round tables; or enlisting the attention of the media;"[/P][P]Comment: Not only has the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society failed "to conduct effective information programmes with its constituents and to a broader audience about UN activities", but further, the Watchtower has even gone as far as to keep it's status as an NGO secret from it's constituents. More reprehensible, the Watchtower Society has publicly condemned the UN as a satanic institution fit for destruction by God. Any Jehovah's Witness who confronts the Watchtower about it's involvement with the DPI or objects to anything, in any way, that the Watchtower prints, is subject to the harshest treatment of excommunication and community shunning by all constituents. This action on the part of the Watchtower destroys family and friendships, and it's purpose is but one, that they rid themselves of any objectors who may reveal the facts to others who would in like manner object and have to be severed from the constituency by the aforementioned means. In this manner they silence objection and serve the continuance of their conspiracy.[/P]
[P] ;[/P][/DIR]
[P]Further to the same UN document, the Watchtower "should have a satisfactory record of collaboration with UN Information Centres/Services or other parts of the UN System prior to association;"[/P][P]Comment: After a lifetime spent as a member of the Watchtower constituency, and after having been forced to accept -as the word of God- the literally thousands of derogatory references and untoward statements printed by the Watchtower concerning the United Nations Organization and spoken by it's representatives, I cannot imagine any possibility of a "satisfactory record of collaboration with UN." [/P]
[P] ;[/P]
[P]The Watchtower would also have to "provide an audited annual financial statement, conducted by a qualified, independent accountant;"[/P][P]Comment: This amount would not reflect the cash 'slush funds' used to support third world and overseas operations. US currency is smuggled illegally into foreign countries in brief cases and used to support Watchtower operations in those countries. Does the UN criteria allow for this behavior?[/P]
[P]Finally, the Watchtower "should have statutes/bylaws providing for a transparent process of taking decisions, elections of officers and members of the Board of Directors."[/P][P]Comment: The rank and file member of the Watchtower constituency is kept in the dark with respect to these. It is safe to say that better than 99 percent of Jehovah's Witnesses do not even know that the Board of Directors, (until recently the same members as their synod and ultimate authority Governing Body,) would vote on a two-thirds majority basis on "taking decisions". The average Watchtower constituent (JW) lives in a fairytale, while not really knowing the manner of "taking decisions", convinces him/herself that these "decisions" are God's. Further, Jehovah`s Witnesses are not allowed to question the decisions made, and hence, any 'transparency' of process is redundant.[/P]
[P]It is a mockery of the UN that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society who heaps scorn on that institution and who is the world's primary slanderer of the UN, should find itself in any way connected to the UN. For the Watchtower to be listed as a "Human Rights" organization is a further injustice as it abuses the rights of it's own constituents who discover the truth about the Watchtower. These same suffer terrible consequences of lost friends, families and lives when they find out about the Watchtower's duplicity in this matter and usually in a state of shock confront the local elders (deacons) and are subsequently labeled as evil and slandered publicaly. They lose everything.[/P]
[P]Watchtower constituents are not allowed to vote, even children in school regarding class president. Any JW caught voting would be treated in the harshest of terms. How it is possible for the Watchtower to have a major doctrine against political participation, and yet have supposedly stated that they are willing to "encourage" political action in local communities is interesting. The UN has been duped.[/P]
[P]It is unfortunate that right at this moment, thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses are in the process described herein and will be seriosly diminished. The Watchtower continues to carryon in this manner protected by the courts by means of laws relating to religious freedom, laws which are abused to maintain the behemoth Watchtower.[/P]
[P]I urge those situated in positions of action to force the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society to print the facts of its involvement in the UN. This would cause the organization to collapse and undo a serious injustice by freeing millions of individuals from a fairy-tale existence.[/P]
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[P] Thank you and good day.[/P]
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