Just wondering if this was true that sometimes the WTBS was letting the blood issue ba a non-issue. Anybody have any info?
WBTS compromised blood issue in other nations...is this true? got any info?
by Caine 8 Replies latest watchtower medical
They have indeed done that but it would be interesting to see if any blood transfusion cases came up in Bulgaria and what would happen. I suspect the dubs will treat one taking blood as a DAed member which is a form of sanctioning, though they promised not impose sanctions. Their promise could be just a legalistic game.
Article back in 2000 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/790967.stm Wednesday, 14 June, 2000, 15:00 GMT 16:00 UK Jehovah's Witnesses drop transfusion ban
Transfusions will no longer lead to expulsion By the BBC's Religious Affairs Correspondent Jane LittleLeaders of the Jehovah's Witnesses movement have revoked a strict ruling that their members automatically face ex-communication if they accept blood transfusions.
They took the controversial decision at a secret meeting in New York, following years of recrimination from ex-members and non-Jehovah's Witnesses over the ban.Jehovah's Witnesses: facts An unorthodox Christian sect Based in New York 6m members in more than 200 countries Founded in 1884 The religious community insists that receiving blood is still wrong.
But under the changes, transfusions have been relegated to "non-disfellowshipping events" - in other words you will not be thrown out of the religion if you have one.
That may come as cold comfort to many who have watched loved ones die because they refused blood.
Only last week, a British Jehovah's Witness who lost pints of blood in a machete attack, renounced his faith at the last minute so that he could have the transfusion which saved his life.
Climbdown or procedural change?
But if this looks like a major climbdown, a spokesman for the organisation - also called Watch Tower - insisted it was merely a procedural change.
He said not taking blood remains a biblical injunction and a core tenet of the faith.
If a member has a transfusion, they will, by their actionsdisassociate themselves from the religion. The ruling emphasises personal choice, he said.
He added that if they repented afterwards, they would be offered spiritual comfort and the possibility of redemption.
But the distinction between what in other words amounts to resigning rather than being sacked, does seem to be a major shift.
Jehovah's Witnesses, who number six million worldwide, have suffered years of adverse publicity over blood transfusions.
It now looks like they quietly want to downplay this issue and to emphasise less controversial elements of the faith.
If your under age yes in fact they encourage it. backhandedly of course
A brother in Belgium began to question the blood policy and talked to other about it and even traveled to NY to talk to the GB about it. He had done extensive research and was ready to present it. They refused to see him and then contacted his home congregation. They basically were told to shut him up but do not disfellowship him. With added pressure he eventually just drifted away. But in Europe they do not disfellowship for disagreement with the blood policy. The brother who had been an Elder found out it was against the law for them to do so. Basically they did fall into shunning him but it was much more cautious in their behavior.
Very different in the USA where the WTBTS can beat the flock over blood issues and get away with it. We need the kind of laws here in the USA to prevent them from having that hanging over us.
compound complex
Dear Caine,
Please see "Children in Bulgaria Cannot Become Members," which I have just bumped up. Many, many fine posts therein. See Scully's comments of 29 December 2006
Compound-Complex [I'd raise Cain if I were Abel.]
compound complex