Who likes (so called) perfect people? Anyway I don't think I've met any unless on a short time enough for those to fake it.
Ok we have or had got a mom, a dad, sisters and brothesr, friends, collegues even some people that we are not even really connected to ... but we dont care their defects? Not that we accepte them and do not react to them but we still love those people.
For instance : My favorite sister (If I can say something like that) is the one which is the most terrible !!! LOL : she's very nervous a little thing can become a BIG DEAL, she's yelling in your face, she's always right (even if she is wrong she won't give up - Never) you have to shut up , I wouldn't stay with her more than a week without trying to suicide if I can't leave ... ...
But she is so sensitive at the same time on so many things, she's taking care of people in need, she is the one who will put herself in the front to protect someone else, she always have good tips, she's so funy also, I mean you can't have everything.
So who is the one or the ones which whatever big default (which ones?) they've got you still like him/her no matter what and why?... (you don't have to name them as who they are for you - you can even lie on this detail), it is just to know what kind of defects and why you love them anyway.
by RAF 2 Replies latest jw friends
I have a co-worker that everyone hates. He is loud, obnoxious, egotistical etc. But all I see is a lost little boy with a really big heart. He would do anything for anyone. You know he is the kind of guy that if you got into trouble at 2 in the morning he would come help you. Really he has low self-esteem so he covers it over with this loud obnoxious behavior. I stick up for him all the time to everyone. Everybody thinks I am crazy for sticking up for him, but I know if someone said anything about me he would stick up for me too.
I see what you mean LeslieV ... (since they are not excessivly mean ...)
Sometimes when you know that a lot of people do not like them because of those behaviors (if you feel that they suffer about not being appreciated), you want to tell them. When you do they acknoledge but don't really change I guess it's because they are not ready to (they can't because of some psychological issue), or just because it is their personality at the moment.