i have a question that i'm curious to have feedback on. if jehovah has always had a group of people that were "his select group" to have his messages relayed, who were these people/relgions between the time of the early christians of bibilical times and the founding of the bible students?
who has been the select group throughout history?
by searching99 9 Replies latest watchtower bible
That's just it...there wasn't one, and it was on an individual basis!
The society keeps pointing out how the Anabaptists, Pilgrims, Heugenots, Calvin and the like were all move to keep the word alive, even though they got a few of the things wrong. It displays (at least to me) that you don't need a monolithic organization leading you by the nose in your relationship with God.
Badger - is that you?
Off the top of my head the Lollards & Waldenses
Yes, it's me.
Manners everyone!
Welcome to the site Searching, I hope you find what you're looking for!
If you believe that God is omnipotent, then why would he need anybody to relay messages? He wouldn't. Ever play that game in kindergarden where you start with a phrase and whisper it to the next person, then the next person....then at the end of the chain, the last person says the phrase...and it is always completely different then how it started. Thats what happens when humans relay messages....and to think we all learned that at 6 years old.
r's hubby
Well, there's nothing in the bible about a "select" group. So, there wasn't any.
If your looking for a watchtower answer, then, you can make up anything. Maybe, a select few catholics up until the Protestants turned up, then no more catholics.
steve -
IMHO I do not think any of the "groups" (religious organizations) would qualify. Individuals, yes. Albert Schwitzer, Einstiein, etcetera. There are not too many, perhaps a couple of thousand.
Obviously, the Hare Krishnas.....