Questions & Replies for JW's that invite you to the memorial

by moomanchu 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • moomanchu

    I thought it would be a good idea to have a thread about this given the season.

    I have some ideas rolling around in my head but I haven't researched them enough to make a really good argument or point.

    Does anyone have links to other threads or web sites about this topic.

    Help me and others give a reply to the ones who are taunting us.

  • blondie

    I never ask questions unless I'm sure where it will lead, and I'm never that sure.

    I usually say:

    "Thank you for letting me know when and where it is. I have made the necessary arrangements in regard to it already." Then I try to change the subject or leave politely.

    I don't answer the door when JWs call so it is a moot point. I have no contact with JW relatives. If someone leaves an invitation in the door or mails one, I just shred it or if it is a tract, put it in my WTS library.


  • Balsam

    I think if a JW approached me right now inviting me to the Memorial I might would say:

    There is no secular historical proof that Jesus as presented in the New Testament ever existed. I have done extensive research and god & Jesus is just a mythological story made up much like the Greek God Zeus and Hercules.

    I figure that would make their jaw drop then I'd shut the door or walk away. LOL

  • Elsewhere

    JWs never even attempt to knock on my door, let alone invite me to the memorial. *sniff*

  • Inquisitor

    Ok I'll give it a shot, moo:

    JW: This is your invitation to an upcoming important yearly event. You will be warmly welcomed. The details are on the invitation.

    Moo: So is this a JW celebration of some sort?

    JW: Yeah we will commemorate the death of Jesus Christ at..

    Moo: "Commemorate"? So it's not a celebration then?

    JW: Well.. it is a....

    Moo: Cmon,cmon..surely it's not that difficult! Is this a celebration or not? You guys want me to come to your lil party, you gotta let me know if it is worth my while....

    JW: Look, sir.. this is a serious....blah blah blah blah.....

    <deliberate, drawn out pause>



    Moo: There's booze but we're not drinking? There's bread but we're not eating? There's music but we're not dancing? MAN!! THAT'S SOME BORING SH!T!! <slams door>


  • Bluegrass Tom
    Bluegrass Tom

    I am with Blondie. I would say "Thanks for inviting me. I already have plans made. Thanks for the reminder" and leave it at that. No reason to stirr up trouble when a simple courteous remark can put it away.

  • Quandry

    JW: This is your invitation to an upcoming important yearly event. You will be warmly welcomed. The details are on the invitation

    That's the part many would have trouble believing.

  • moomanchu

    I still have JW relatives that talk to me and try to encourage me. I just want to encourage them to start thinking .


    I like your logic.

    Yes your invited to the Lords evening meal. There will be bread and wine for you to look at and pass around but you can't have any.

    Imagine inviting people over for dinner and sitting around a table looking at the food then passing it around after an hour or so you then send them home.

    I also like the sayings of "celebrating the Lords supper" or "observing the Lords evening meal". When you think about it The annointed who partake of the emblems are the only ones who actually observe or celebrate the memorial or eat the last supper. A non-annointed doesn't observe or celebrate the Lords supper because they don't partake. So for non-annonted ones to observe the definition of observe would have to be looking at or see a annoited one celebrating the lords supper.

    Does that make sense?

  • Honesty

    I've turned to Jesus in prayer and accepted Him as my Lord.

    I have His Spirit living inside me to guide, teach, correct and comfort me.

    I have His Holy Word to read and study.

    Will this memorial you are having draw me closer to Jesus?

  • ajwnm

    My reply would be

    " I'm sorry but I do not associate with orgs that hide and protect child molesters and I won't dirty myself by associating with an org that secretly and sneakily bowed down to the UN beast for nine years and LIED about its NGO status to cover up its duplicity. I refuse to associate with any org that sullies and causes derision to be called down on God's good name ,Jehovah."

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