.."JWD" will go down in "Dub History"..Yah,there were boards before it..But none like this!..JWD stands on the shoulders,of those before them..We are gratefull!!..To all of you who fought to get us where we are today..Thank-You!!.....Members come and go as life demands..But we always find our way back Home..Thank-you Simon and Angahrad...OUTLAW
Welcome to the "Hotel California!"
by OUTLAW 7 Replies latest jw friends
Here here!
Frannie Banannie
Yes, very special thanks to Simon and Angharad.
And to all the wonderful Administrative Assistants who stay vigilant to keep the board user-friendly......both in the past and presently.
Definitely a big thanks to Simon and Angharad for allowing us this medium to voice our opinions on a subject that has caused us alot of pain.
funny, that song just played on my itunes...what a great great song, easily one of my top 3.
oh, and yes, JWD is great.
The best therapy for me ever. How I could have left the JWs without it I haven't a clue. It would definitely have been much tougher.
tsof -
Thank You
I agree. The best thing that has happened to me in a long time...finding this forum.
Cheers to all.