Need help--Bible Topic

by Junction-Guy 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Junction-Guy

    Ok folks can someone tell me the scriptures dealing with salvation that the NWT has botched? I've seen several here over the past few years, but dont know where to look. I would like especially some scriptures that the NWT has left out, but other translations include. Also somewhere in the bible it mentions about Jesus (I believe) preaching, and then several 1000 souls were saved. Does anyone know where this scripture is?

  • Leolaia

    One might consider the way the NWT translates pisteuó "believe":

    John 3:16: "For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life" (NWT).

    I think what "exercise faith" is trying to do is express the relationship pisteuó has with the noun pistis "faith", though there isn't a word "faithing" in English to express the thought of having faith in something. But what is curious is that in a key soteriological text, a much stronger "exercising faith" occurs in the NWT even though this has a misleading conotation. The act one does in "faithing" is not demonstrating the faith via works (i.e. exercising the faith one already has), but the very act of putting one's faith or trust in something to begin with. This is particularly the case when pisteuó is followed by the preposition eis, as is the case in John 3:16. According to the 1 December 1990 Watchtower, "if [pisteuó] is followed by eis, 'to,' it is usually [sic] translated 'exercise faith in' " (p. 30), but they quote Paul Kaufman's grammar in support which states that sense is one of "putting faith into someone" (not quite the same sense). When the relationship between faith and salvation is not stressed, the NWT often renders pisteuó + eis as "put faith in [someone]" (cf. Matthew 18:6, John 2:11, 23, 4:39, 7:31, 48, 8:30, 9:35, 11:45, 48, 12:11, 44, 17:20, Philippians 1:29, 1 John 5:10) and once even as "have faith" (Romans 4:18), but when salvation or the bestowal of everlasting life is stressed, the NWT then prefers "exercise faith" instead:

    John 3:36: "He that exercises faith in the Son has everlasting life; he that disobeys the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains upon him" (NWT).
    John 6:40: "For this is the will of my Father that everyone that beholds the Son and exercises faith in him should have everlasting life, and I will resurrect him at the last day" (NWT).
    John 11:25-26: "I am the resurrection and the life. He that exercises faith in me even though he dies, will come to life, and everyone that is living and exercises faith in me will never die at all" (NWT).
    Romans 10:9: "For if you publically declare that 'word in your own mouth' that Jesus is Lord, and exercise faith in your heart that God raised him from the head, you will be saved" (NWT).

    The implication that "exercising faith" involves works is reinforced in Romans 10:9 by associating it with "publically declaring" the faith, such that v. 10 says that "one makes public declaration for salvation". What Paul is referring to is the verbalization of one's faith, confessing that "Jesus is Lord," admitting one's faith and trust in Jesus publically, but the conjunction between an activity of "exercising faith" and the activity of "publically declaring" faith faciliates an interpretation that exercising faith involves public declaration of that faith in a preaching work. And since salvation is seemingly dependent on such works, this single text can be used to imply that all followers of Jesus must preach, i.e. if you don't preach, you are not saved. This exactly the leap that the Society makes in interpreting the meaning of "exercising faith" and this text in particular:

    *** w55 10/15 p. 628 The Triumphant Message of "The Kingdom" ***

    Each one knows that it is vital, not only to the salvation of others, but also to his own salvation to preach publicly, for with force Paul’s words come home to each one of Jehovah’s witnesses: "If you publicly declare that ‘word in your mouth’, that Jesus is Lord, and exercise faith in your heart that God raised him up from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one exercises faith for righteousness, but with the mouth one makes public declaration for salvation."-- Rom. 10:9, 10, NW.

    *** w83 10/1 p. 14 Millions Get Ready for Uninterrupted Life on Earth ***

    To people now living on earth, the reigning King Jesus Christ becomes "the life" due to the fact that they exercise faith in him, this faith being proved by works. During this "conclusion of the system of things," these works would include taking an active part in the fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy at Matthew 24:14 to preach the good news of God’s Kingdom before "the end" of the system comes. (Matthew 24:3; Mark 13:3, 4) The exercisers of faith who survive the end of the current system of things and who look forward to life in Paradise restored will never need to die at all.

    *** w91 9/15 p. 15 "Help Me Out Where I Need Faith!" ***

    So it was vital to exercise faith, to give evidence of it by acts of godly devotion.

    *** w97 12/15 p. 19 Make Public Declaration for Salvation ***

    Not only is this confession made before others at the time of baptism but it must be a continuing confession, a zealous public testimony about all the grand facets of the truth. Such truth focuses on the precious name of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah; on our Messianic King and Ransomer, the Lord Jesus Christ; and on the magnificent Kingdom promises. There is no salvation for any who do not accept and apply this "‘word’ of faith," as the apostle goes on to state: "With the heart one exercises faith for righteousness, but with the mouth one makes public declaration for salvation."

    That is how statements referring to salvation through trust and faith in Jesus are converted into dire stipulations that one must zealously participate in the Watchtower Society's door-to-door preaching campaign.

  • Undecided

    Could someone explain this scripture to me? It seems to be a contridiction to me.

    John 11:25-26: "I am the resurrection and the life. He that exercises faith in me even though he dies, will come to life, and everyone that is living and exercises faith in me will never die at all" (NWT).

    If you have faith you won't die, but if you do die you will be raised up. Do you die or don't you if you have faith?

    Ken P.

  • Kenneson

    It's Peter, not Jesus. See Acts 2:38-41

  • Junction-Guy

    Thanks y'all, Im gonna get my bibles out here shortly and look up those scriptures.----Dave

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