Proof in Awake that 1914 was not the monumental year they say

by MinisterAmos 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • MinisterAmos

    Lots of Dubz running around now giving studies with the "learner mags" that all proclaim 1914 as the year because it marks the start of great suffering like wars, disease, greed, etc. on an unprecedented scale.

    In 1918, the Spanish Flu killed 2.5-5% of the world population (Wikipedia)

    WW1 which ended in 1918, cost 0.75-2% of the world population. (Wikipedia)

    "Awake" 05/22/2003 p.5 "....The Black Death in just six years wiped out a third OR MORE of the population during the Middle Ages"

    33% looks like more than 0.75% or 2.5% to me........Of course I took Calc, Trig and Physics while getting my MSCE so maybe I'm confused....

  • What-A-Coincidence

    of course u r off! u ain't using Jehovers Scale

  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    Mr A! I'm surprised at you!!

    Don't you know that all things are relative and symbolic and all [other] things are symbolically relative? Any given number as processed by the WTS has certain in-built variables that make it subject to dissonant pre-cognition, wherin the pre-disposed mental conceptualization of the mature follower of the Clocktower movement can make it mean whatever it is required to mean. Any given number registering in a greater degree, in this case, 33% can by the genius of realtive symbolism, [or is it symbolic relativism?] be transformed into a metaphysical quantity less than the quotient, which in this case is .075%. Numbers are provided, not to enlighten, but to obfuscate, and, must be able, through theological alchemy, to prove whatever it is expedient at any given time to prove.

    For instace, 2+2 does not necessarily always mean four. The WTS has been able to demonstrate, through the magical art of linguistic ambiguity, that symbolically it can either mean more or less than four when it is required to do so.

    To truly understand any given set of numbers found in WT literature you need first to undergo an intense form of programming, amusingly called the "Home Bible Study" using some form of programmable material, such as "What the Thingame Really Really Really Teaches, Honest. Cross our Hearts At least Until At Least Another Publication called What The Thingame Really Really Really Really Teaches [revised edition] Comes Along"

    It is only when you have truly grasped the meaning of this programming, that you will be able to see how marvelously these numbers fall into their obedient places. The greater is made to mean less than the lesser, and the lesser more than the morer. In fact, being properly programmed you will be able to prove that by the use of numbers, the world is flat today and square tomorrow. That you are neither here nor there. Not only are you Arthur and Martha, but neither as well.

    Or something like that.


  • CaptainSchmideo

    In 1918, the Spanish Flu killed 2.5-5% of the world population (Wikipedia)

    WW1 which ended in 1918, cost 0.75-2% of the world population. (Wikipedia)

    "Awake" 05/22/2003 p.5 "....The Black Death in just six years wiped out a third OR MORE of the population during the Middle Ages"

    33% looks like more than 0.75% or 2.5% to me........Of course I took Calc, Trig and Physics while getting my MSCE so maybe I'm confused....

    Of course, you are not looking at it in the right context.

    The reason the War and the Flu were so bad was that they killed so many White people! A person could no longer rely on being middle or upperclass white for protection against the more unpleasant things in life, such as epidemic, or horrors of war, which used to be conveniently the problem of the "proles" or the "darkies".

    I remember in the TV series "Black Adder Goes Forth", in which the main character complains that War isn't what it used to be, when the only enemy you fought was armed with nothing more dangerous than sharpened pieces of fruit and dried grass. Now, he actually risked being killed himself.

    I think that the people who think that life prior to 1914 being some kind of "Golden Age" before everything went to hell are wearing the rosiest of glasses. They forget all about the corruption of the post Civil War business and government, the racism, the poverty, etc. Life was pretty good if you were white and upper middle class or higher, otherwise, you were a laborer earning a nickel a day, a servant, a field hand or coal miner working for the company store (another kind of slavery), or living in the slums. The streets were not safe, diseases like pox could kill or cripple you, you might not live long enough to make it your second birthday, and top of the line creature comforts of 1890 would not qualify as good enough for a camping excursion today. Today, our houses are warmer (or cooler), our clothes smell better, our teeth are whiter, our standard of living (at least in the West) is much higher, and our mortality rates are lower than the best conditions of the Summer of 1914, when everything was supposedly wonderful.

    Anyway, that's my two cents....

  • Kudra

    I think all reasonable ones would conclude that taking mathematical courses whilst getting a "higher education" in no way can prepare you for the rigors of WTS biblical math and calculations of the end times.

  • stillajwexelder

    you are completely wrong - the Spanish Flue in 1918 was anti-typical of what happened in the Middle ages and today typifies Jahs stinging judgement messages against Satans world

  • 95stormfront

    uhhh......yeah........what they said !!!!!

  • MinisterAmos

    OK now I understand

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