jesus pulled a woman out of his side and -

by hamsterbait 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamsterbait

    many years ago when I was interested in the "FORBIDDEN" books of the Bible, i read an account where Jesus took his disciples up to a mountain.

    He then drew a woman out of his side, and had sex with her in front of his disciples. I forget what he said, but it was along the lines of:

    "thus is the nature of the Son of Man"

    Any helpers here??


  • Leolaia

    Ummmm, I've read a lot of non-canonical books, and I've never heard of this.

  • trevor

    It wasn't a woman - it was a large hamster.

  • sspo

    no help here

  • MidwichCuckoo

    The Gnostic Gospels of Thomas and Eve.

    I think (and I'm sure someone will correct me, lol) that it's related to Eve coming out from Adam's body (rib), and Jesus being the second Adam...

    Jesus himself, they said, was the first teacher of these practices. He took Mary (probably Magdalene) to a mountain, took a woman out of his side and had sex with her, then drank his own sperm saying: "Thus we ought to do, that we may live." The sect even claimed that when Jesus at the Last Supper spoke of eating his flesh and drinking his blood, he was referring to this practice.

  • Leolaia

    I think that webpage is the source of the claimed apocryphal story of Jesus having sex with Mary, but it is important to note that no such story exists per se in the Gospel of Eve .... this looks like an interpretation written by the website author of the brief quotation preserved by Epiphanius. The quotation itself is presented on the webpage, and it expresses a pantheism related to Acts of John 11.

  • hamsterbait

    I was told this account in the mid 70's ( around 74) by a woman claiming to be a gnostic christian scientist. When I heard this pre dated the internet.


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