Hi guys
Well recently I was watching a documentary called 'The New Atlantis' concerning America's beginnings.
The documentary clearly has a pro-Christian agenda, and one line in particular stood out for me. The narrator claims:
"'known for rejecting the Gospels, the Gnostics claim to be the 'real Christians', an issue the apostles argued against in the New Testament'"
Now the issue I brought up was concerning the Gnostics rejecting the Gospels. I argued that it was the Gnostics who came first and actually influenced Christianity, not the other way round.
The producer/script writer has replied to my question, by saying:
"By no means did the Gnostics come first -- and certainly not the Gnostic gospels. The Gnostics simply do not exist until after the coming of Jesus Christ and the preaching of the original gospel message. Why? Because the Gnostics came out of Alexandria, Egypt and were part of the Egyptian mystery schools. Gnosticism is what happens when you combine the Pagan mysteries with Christianity. This is the same principle involved in Roman Catholicism, Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism. It is simply untrue to say that the Gnostic gospels came first"
But is he right? I may well be mistaken for the Gnostic gospels came first claim (that which I never actually said) but I am convinced that the Gnostic Christians were in operation before Christ - not so much worshiping Jesus, but someone very similar to him. This is why early Church fathers readily admitted this fact.
Can anybody please shed some light on this for me? Your brains will be very much appreciated.