I don't know if you guys have checked this website out yet, but it is by far the best website out there when it comes to explaining and exposing the Watchtower Society. What are your thoughts, friends?
Six Screens of the Watchtower
by deaconbluez 7 Replies latest jw friends
Mrs Smith
How about a link deaconbluez?
I think he did an excellent job on the website. I love the layout. Very well put together in my opinion.
Mrs Smith
Wow, really easy to follow and not too wordy. Thanks.
Did the Watchtower back in 1916 number the pages from the beginning of the year 1 through 356 by December?
The Watchtower. 12/1/1916 pgs.356-386
I've never seen a Wt. with that many pages. This was copied from that site.
Ken P.
So far I have enjoyed the site. I have't had time to examine the whole thing yet. I just watched the video on screen 1 by Robert Porter about John 1:1. I think he did a good job explaining it. Does anyone know if Rick Feron post here? If he (you) does or do could you please PM me? Thanks in advance. seek2find
very interesting
nude images in WT PUBLICATIONS!
The appeal comittee tape ended without hearing the results. The music could be a little less noisy, otherwise it is a good site.