How Hard Are You Working?

by prophecor 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • prophecor

    We were conditioned to believe that our work in Jehovah's service was sure to bring about his approval. Though many of us here are no longer witnesses, has this mindset been reflective in your personal work ethics? Do you take your job way, too seriously? Kinda' like a trade off to remove guilt. Work till you feel it in your bones?

    Drive defines you, or your lack thereof, gives you structure and substance. When performing your duties at work, do you recieve recognition as well as a good name? We've all been told how important it is to have a good name associated with us. Or are you just there for the money? I'll do as much as I need to do to get the job done without having to kill myself. Fits the job description only. Do you go the extra mile when doing your job?

    How hard are you working, and aside from money, why?

  • tetrapod.sapien


    it's nice to see you again man.

    and in regards the thread, TOTALLY. people forget that the western economic system is a religion, and the businesses it's chapels.


  • freedomloverr

    hi Proph!

    I was thinking on this recently and how different I view work now a days. I used to work my ass off and not have a lot of confidence in my skills....just do what I had to do, to make due, till the big A. Now- I have awesome bosses who work hard and want us to work hard but they never make us overdue it. They close the place at 6 and they don't want anybody to work any longer than they have to.

    It's such a healthier way to live. We all love where we work and when work is done we all hit the pub a few doors down and enjoy life that way also...

    so I guess I would say I still have a strong work ethic but I know how to pace myself now and also not take my job *too* seriously anymore. hell man, it's just a job. not too relevant in the GRAND scheme of things....

  • nvrgnbk

    You just blew my mind prophecor. I never saw the linkage between the two realms (work & theocratic endeavors). I used to beat myself up as an elder and with other "privileges". Now I just beat myself up in my small business. At least now I get paid (never enough) for it. Great insight! Made my day.

  • lonelysheep

    Yes, I'm hardworking and I hate it.

  • exwitless

    I'm very hard working and ethical. I go the extra mile because I take pride in my work. The dubs DID NOT make me that way. I was that way before I became a dub and I'm still that way as an ex-dub. My husband and I found out the hard way that just being a JW doesn't automatically make someone a good, honest, hard worker. As JWs, we owned a small business, and of course, hired JWs. Very few of them were good employees. We found most of them to be lazy and did only what they had to to get by. It was almost like they were taking advantage of the fact that we were JWs, because they thought we should just understand that their work wasn't important; only meetings and service were important.

  • freedomloverr

    oh man exwitless...

    ***It was almost like they were taking advantage of the fact that we were JWs, *****

    that is SO TRUE! I've seen that over and over again...

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