You might think that the world is flat but give it a chance!
As a Jehovah's Witness you MUST believe the following or be kicked out of the organization for APOSTACY!
1. That the devils came down to earth and christ set up his new world government in 1914
2. that Jesus approved of the Watchtower Bible & tract Society in 1918/19
3. the door to heaven was closed in 1935
4. the remnant are 100% genuine, there are no fake remnant
5. the faithful and discreet slave is Jehovah's way of communicating divine truths
6. The Watchtower Bible & tract Society is the only communications channel between God and mankind
7. the governing body are all annointed even though most of them became remnant after 1935
8.Russel and Rutherford were annointed and direct divine truths today from heaven
If you doubt any of the above then don't feel bad because the Watchtower Bible & tract Society is a false prophet