Letter for More Free Workers Required by the ORG!

by The Searcher 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Letter read out at meeting last night - for Scotland!

    The Scottish RBC urgently requires qualified plumbers who are registered central heating installers.

    Also, they are looking for volunteers to train as plumbers for the Scottish RBC.

  • 88JM

    Oh, was that only for Scotland? The way it was read out, for some reason I thought it was for the whole of the U.K.

    Is there even still a Scottish RBC anymore? Is it not just U.K. teams coordinated from London Bethel now?

  • menrov

    Anyone has that letter?


    Too bad they won't pay to get their workers to Scotland, I know people who would go. The ORG is so damn stingy. They don't realize that every year, fewer and fewer dubs believe the "privilege" myth.

    Its more like," Screw you! I have to work my ass off to pay the bills as this system drags on. My job sucks because "God" says no higher education. Now you want me to pay my way there, just to work for free. Are you F'ing insane???"


  • notsurewheretogo
    I'm in Scotland and my grandfather-in-law is one of the top three in the RBC for Scotland and there is a massive restructure going on in the RBC in the UK and there is a bit of internal fighting going on...plus there are a lot of new builds and refurbishments ongoing...the calender is booked up till 2017 as I understand...
  • 88JM

    I think I probably know who your grandfather is, notsurewheretogo.

    Things were always a bit tense with the RBC in Scotland and London Bethel. I don't think they realize we build things differently up here to cope with the much harsher climate and weather - i.e. every roof tile needs at least a clip and/or a nail. Bethel also said they should do roofs without sarking boards, which means it's less safe to work on and doesn't cope with the weather as well.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    The RBC/LBC change hasn't occurred yet in UK.

    This is probably a major stepping stone to ensure that they can rely on local skills etc., rather than begging for English Witnesses to travel north - with all the associated costs and logistical problems that would bring!

  • 88JM
    It also doesn't help that most of the skilled people in Scottish congregations got poached or got bored and went to do temporary volunteering down at the London Bethel and/or international construction.
  • notsurewheretogo

    I asked my still in wife was there any reason given in the letter as to why they are asking this and she said there will be a new KH "kit" that requires central heating and that is why they need plumbers.

    The heating in her hall (my one before my fade) doesn't really have central heating but then it is not a quickbuild...

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