So this always bothered me and I could not quite figure out why. It wasn't just the reasoning, it felt more like the motivation behind it was flawed as well.
According to JW theology, any anointed that pass away get resurrected to IMMORTAL LIFE in heaven---- no more death or even the POSSIBILITY of death.
The "other sheep", "great crowd" have to go through Armageddon, behave righteuosly for 1000 years, and then pass ANOTHER test only to receive
everlasting life of the MORTAL kind---- death is always lurking because if you screw up ---ZAP---- you're outta there. So, the IMMORTALS just have to
die (something everyone does) but the plain old dirt kickers have to pass 2 tests. It never did make sense and never did feel righteous since the reward for the
less proven seemed to be greater than for the most proven. It's clear now why they think that way: they're in charge and make the rules and the rules are always
written for the advantage of those in charge.
DId this ever bother anyone else?