JW Anointed get a free ride!

by zack 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • zack

    So this always bothered me and I could not quite figure out why. It wasn't just the reasoning, it felt more like the motivation behind it was flawed as well.

    According to JW theology, any anointed that pass away get resurrected to IMMORTAL LIFE in heaven---- no more death or even the POSSIBILITY of death.

    The "other sheep", "great crowd" have to go through Armageddon, behave righteuosly for 1000 years, and then pass ANOTHER test only to receive

    everlasting life of the MORTAL kind---- death is always lurking because if you screw up ---ZAP---- you're outta there. So, the IMMORTALS just have to

    die (something everyone does) but the plain old dirt kickers have to pass 2 tests. It never did make sense and never did feel righteous since the reward for the

    less proven seemed to be greater than for the most proven. It's clear now why they think that way: they're in charge and make the rules and the rules are always

    written for the advantage of those in charge.

    DId this ever bother anyone else?

  • Dismembered

    Greetings Zack,

    You just reminded me that even after the 1000 years(tm) are over, that the Sword of Damocles will still hang over everyones head. The difference is that you'll be vaporized or dematerialized out of existence in a nanosecond. The issue of universal sovereignty(tm) will have been settled. You're right they do get a free ride. But then perhaps they deserve it for being so dedicated while on earth for all those years.

    Sounds like Disney to me.


  • nvrgnbk

    Hello zack and dismembered,

    Very interesting thread. It seems that this point continues to stir controversy within the org. to this day. Allow me to elaborate. The Revelation book made a statement about those on earth being indelibly written into the book or scroll of life after passing the final test at the end of the Millenium. The more open-minded, positive Witnesses latched on to that, feeling relieved that the final test would be indeed final . This was a departure from the old-school "if you screw up at any time during eternity you'll be vaporized" interpretation. As often occurs, the more closed-minded, negative Witnesses remained entrenched in the "old" interpretation being the masochists they are. To this day, one can find Witnesses of both persuasions. I seem to recall that the latest QFR on the topic ended in the famous 'we don't really know, don't speculate, even though you've learned from our example to engage in lots of wild speculation, we're allowed to because we're the FDS, but you should just think what we tell you to think.'

  • Hannah

    This was a huge issue that bothered me. Why would a God of love and justice allow us to have to suffer through living in "this system of things" just to suffer through the "great tribulation". Then a thousand years of somewhat paradise conditions....cleaning up all the debris from armageddon and teaching the resurrected ones just so Satan can be released and test us all over again. How unjust is this scenario? I never was able to swallow this piece of the ....! Looking back at it all, how can people buy into this stuff? For me, I was raised to believe it as truth, but as an adult I just couldn't accept this nonsense. Oh yeah, I forgot. We'll already know Satan's tricks so we can avoid them. Pleeeeeeeeease. Truth IS stranger than fiction.

  • blondie

    Actually the WTS teaches that even immortal beings could be vaporized by God.

    *** w56 4/1 p. 219 Questions from Readers

    An answer in the November 15, 1955, Watchtower said Jehovah could, if he wished, destroy even an immortal creature. The booklet WhatDotheScripturesSayAbout"SurvivalAfterDeath"? says that if the demons had originally been created immortal they could not be destroyed from the universe. Which is correct?—J. L., United States.

    The statement in the booklet about survival after death refers to immortality according to its basic meaning of deathlessness, indestructibleness. The other statement about God’s ability to destroy even an immortal creature rested upon the view that he is absolutely almighty without any limitation upon his own power by even himself. So this latter statement presented what seems in accord with this view. However, it enters into the realm of speculation, because it is in fact based on a speculative question.

    Hence we are letting the statement in the booklet stand, in accord with the meaning of absolute immortality as conveyed in the Holy Scriptures. A fuller discussion on this may be expected in time in the columns of TheWatchtower.

  • blondie

    *** w55 11/15 p. 703 Questions from Readers ***.

    But here again, even if such a thing did happen, we need not think that Jehovah would be powerless. Jehovah could destroy even an immortal creature.

  • 5go

    Is it imortality If you can be destroyed.

    I mean us earth bound one get everlasting life and can have sex. Oh wait wasn't that to be done away with too. Nevermind I'll take my destuction then.

  • greendawn

    The question is what have the "anointed" done that is so much better so that they deserve to receive such a magnificent deal. From what I saw and hear they act pretty much the same as everyone else. Above all what have the "anointed" of the GB done that puts them way, way, above the rest in this world? It all seems to be mythology since the "anointed" must have a very serious spiritual work and overall conduct to show which most don't. Particularly the GB seem to act in a way that is very contra indicated for people of such aspirations. They treat everyone else with contempt and often with cruelty.

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