by Tony Wills
The book is a welcome addition to my collection. This book has been important and needed. I'd read a copy of the original edition maybe ten years ago and I've been asked where a copy of the document could be acquired. Now, I'm happy to report a reliable and quality source.
For me, the book reads like a good mystery. The book is laid out sequentially, rather than topically. It's topical within the sequences and makes for handy indexing. The format adds value for the topical researcher, but interesting reading for the reader.
The book suggests many related topics of interest for continued research such as the study of the evolution of religious philosophy by the introduction of Platonic Greek philosophy, the beginning of the William Miller movement and the association of Pastor Russell with the Second Adventist movement.
The book is crisp and clean print and easy to read. References are at page bottoms and there is an index. I highly recommend this book. Thanks to the author and the publishers for making it available.
Gary Busselman, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
by garybuss 6 Replies latest watchtower bible
VM44 pointed this out last week.
Excellent book. I highly reccommend it.
The best thing about this book is that it's an easy-to-understand doctrinal history of the JWs, starting from Russell's Adventist roots on up through the late 1960s. I think its crucial to understand the doctrines behind the actions and events of JW history and vice-versa. This book provides such insight. It's pretty fair to the JWs, and even charitable at times, but "the rest of the story" really speaks for itself.
I do consider reading some of the books recommended by various people but wouldn't dare in case my mom (jw, lovely lady) saw them and that would open a can of worms. Maybe i ought to see if any library stocks em and read them there! That book looks really interesting - i may get it and hide it! lol
It sounds funny, but I've found that the best place to read this kind of stuff, for me anyway, is in my car.
New Worldly Translation
Excellent I've been looking for that book for a while. I wish it could be downloaded as an ebook. I had the same idea as mia_b and hid my CoC, ISOCF and others but my parents found them.
Yeah, one of the interesting things about that book is that he exposes Schnell of Thirty Years a Watchtower Slave fame for the con artist he was. Wills manages to dig up some letters Schnell wrote that were published in the Watchtower. They were full of praise for the Witnesses, during the very same period he later claimed to have turned against them. A very interestig find.