Red China and organ harvesting horror

by Dogpatch 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    In 1992 a peaceful meditation exercise called Falun Gong also known as Falun Dafa was introduced to the public in China by Master Li Hongzhi. It has grown to become the most popular form of qigong. (Tia Chi is still acceptable in China) Falun Dafa brings improved health and inner peace to tens of millions of people in over 60 countries. 5 simple set of exercises leave people feeling peaceful, refreshed and energized. Falun Dafa also teachers improving ones character by following the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. The principle is very simple, when people cultivate righteous thoughts and a healthy mind it results in a better morale society along with better health and social wellbeing.

    To date, Master Li Hongzhi has received over 500 awards world wide and been nominated twice for the noble prize.

    Former leader Jiang Zemin carried out a personal campaign and crackdown on Falun Dafa practitioners basically due to personal jealousy of its popularity in 1998. A flood of terror spread across China with over 30 Labour camps filled with several hundred thousand being used for forced labour to make goods for the west and resulting in the most horrifying tortures imaginable.

    From an investment and business opportunity in China, one of the most explosive money making ventures in today’s modern world is that of “Organ Harvesting” or “Organ Transplants”. This is not a multi million ,but multi billion dollar industry. A liver is worth for example $50,000. With a range of body organs and body parts such as hearts, liver, lungs, skin, eyes, hair and whatever else they wish to use, an individual may be worth anything from $25,000 to a million dollars. This being the case the next question is, where would China be able to find the donors to fill such a massive market requirement?

    Practitioners of Falun Dafa are known to be extremely healthy once they have practice for a while, and here, China sees the opportunity to fill is multi billion venture. All persons held are subject to the most stringent medical test and examinations, a complete file of every individual is kept until the need for a donor arises. When the need for an organ is requested a selection is made and the victim is taken and subjected “While still alive to save on aesthetic” who is then beaten unconscious or given an injection, often carried out in a mobile medical unit or truck. The organs are hurriedly removed and sent to the location nearby and the corpse is cremated shortly afterward. All ID of the person is destroyed or the names forged. The ashes of any individual are handed to any relative informing them that the individual committed suicide. This is common practice!
    Print out and read this 5 page document of the above in full for overview of the present situation in China

  • Rooster

    Practitioners of Falun Dafa are known to be extremely healthy once they have practice for a while, and here, China sees the opportunity to fill is multi billion venture. All persons held are subject to the most stringent medical test and examinations, a complete file of every individual is kept until the need for a donor arises. When the need for an organ is requested a selection is made and the victim is taken and subjected “While still alive to save on aesthetic” who is then beaten unconscious or given an injection, often carried out in a mobile medical unit or truck. The organs are hurriedly removed and sent to the location nearby and the corpse is cremated shortly afterward. All ID of the person is destroyed or the names forged. The ashes of any individual are handed to any relative informing them that the individual committed suicide. This is common practice!
    Wow..glad I don't live there?

  • jaguarbass

    There must be a very loving kind, just God that would allow that to happen. God must have a purpose for this.

  • greendawn

    How vicious and demonic, most tourists that visits China don't know that such ghastly horrors take place in the country, one would think that the Chinese are too civilised for that.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    so why doesn't this hit the news???? .... oh that's right, we're too busy trying to figure out if Anna Nicole gets buried or not. Totally outrageous

  • Mary

    China sees the opportunity to fill is multi billion venture. All persons held are subject to the most stringent medical test and examinations, a complete file of every individual is kept until the need for a donor arises. When the need for an organ is requested a selection is made and the victim is taken and subjected “While still alive to save on aesthetic” who is then beaten unconscious or given an injection, often carried out in a mobile medical unit or truck.

    Jesus Christ! Is this being sanctioned by the Chinese government?

  • Woodsman

    I saw some members of this group do a live demonstration of the tortures they are subjected too. It put me in somber mood for the rest of the weekend in Manhatten. I also had a friend from Tibet who fled after the Chinese invasion. He told me of some really crazy shit. China has to go but I can't imagine anyone standing up to them.

  • Quandary

    This is utterly appalling!! How can the Olympic Committee be comfortable allowing a country which sqelches individualism with such horror to host??? The Olympics celebrate diversity, peace and unity like no other global event. IMO any country deemed appropiate for the privelege of hosting should do the same. I personally will NOT watch the opening or closing ceremonies in protest!


  • proplog2

    Makes you think when you see "Made in China" on everything.

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