Hi again.
I just learned about a web archiving site that keeps a library of many web sites, even ones no longer registered.
I thought I'd check to see if the deactivated quotes.watchtower.ca site was archived. Sure enough, much of the Quotes site is still available, although not all updates or photos are displayed. Perhaps links to items hosted on web servers other than the archived site aren't available through the normal links.
The name of the site is The Internet Archive and is at www.archive.org. It currently states that it has 85 Billion pages on record.
Once there, you can enter the URL of the site of interest, as it was when it was active & hit the "Take Me Back" button.
The resulting page will have various linked dates that the site has changed, but not all dates necessarily have archived information available.
The latest available Quotes archive appears to be December 19, 2005 although later dates are listed. Its link is here: http://web.archive.org/web/20051219001238/http://quotes.watchtower.ca/
I also checked to see if archives of the original www.quotes.jehovahswitnesses.com site were available, which they are. Here's the link to the earliest one: http://web.archive.org/web/19990125091600/http://quotes.jehovahswitnesses.com/
The Watchtower fights to have sites such as this deactivated, and spends considerable time & money doing so. As we know, numerous sites replicating the same information became active, but it's interesting that the originals never really go away. Most likely, a copy of anything posted exists somewhere. The trick is to know where to look.
Remember! Be careful what you say. If posted, it most likely can't be denied.