This grave-controversy is interesting, because people with different agendas even get confused as to what they`re supposed to mean about it. Non-christians and sceptics now jump on the wagon to suport this "find", because if the find is real, it`s yet another nail in the coffin of christianity. If Jesus` bones are found, he was not risen in the flesh, ergo, the whole of christianity is a hoax. Had this been any other historical figure, these same sceptic would have maintained their sceptical attitude, and at least waited for the experts to examine this site thouroughly. The chances that this find really is Jesus grave, are very small.
- The writing on the little "boxes" is/has been very hard to translate. Not even the name that supposedly says "yeshua, son of Joseph", is a safe bet.
- Even if the name is correct, both these names (as well as the names on the other "boxes" were the most common names in the area.
- The earliest followers of Jesus never called him, "Jesus, son of Joseph", at least not according to the Bible.
- It's unlikely Joseph, who had died earlier in Galilee, would have been buried in Jerusalem
- It`s unlikely Jesus, who was a Nazarean, would have been buried in Jerusalem, the city in which he was even labelled a blasphemer against god by the religious authority. The alternative would be that he was buried somewhere else, only to, 300 years later, when christianity had become the states religion, be buried up, and brought back to Jerusalem. Of course, had this been the case, it would probably not ahve been a secret, or if it was a secret, the church fathers, who believed in the physical ressurection, would have disposed of the body (in the fashion the jws says Jehobah did...)
- Fourth-century church historian Eusebius makes quite clear the body of James, brother of Jesus, was buried alone near the temple mount.
- The two Mary ossuaries do not mention anyone from Migdal, but just Mary, a common name sorry to disappoint all the (unexpected) "believers" (!!!!) in the final deathblow to christianity...