Who watches where the WTS's money goes?

by meglet44 6 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • meglet44

    I've given this site a cursory look and didn't find this particular topic. So my question is: Who makes sure the high ups at the Watchtower Society aren't lining their pockets with all the money the members contribute? I asked my JW-raised boyfriend and he said that they were honest people and God was watching over them. Not a valid answer to my way of thinking. Is there anyplace one can dig? I'd so love to find out the truth and broadcast it. Either way...."yes, these ppl are doing good works and not stealing" or "these people are living like kings at the expense of the rank and file." Suggestions on where to start hunting?


  • carla

    There is no accountability with the wt. You can find a few things with google from various countries that mandate reporting for tax purposes. Otherwise there is no real hard data as to what they do with all the money from around the globe. Also look at real estate holdings by them, that will give you a clue as to where the money is too.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Did you try here? The Best of... WTS Finances

    In reality, they seem to be hoarding it and not really doing anything at all with it. They do own some of the US's most expensive properties and they certainly know how to create their own paradise on earth.

    In the past Rutherford built an expensive house for himself - see The Best of... Rutherford info and look for topics on Beth Sarim and Beth Sham.

    They seem to have enough money to send witnesses to university to get law degrees and then pay it back by working pro bono for the WTS.

    But those things are peanuts compared to the big $$$$$$

  • greendawn

    Welcome meglet, unfortunately the question you are asking is impossible to answer since all their accounts are done in conditions of total secrecy. Only they and their accountants know what's really going on what sort of assets they really have and how much profit they really make each year from all their numerous corporations and daughter corporations. This subject came up several times before and the suspicion was voiced that the WTS is a front of another organisation that really takes away the profits. It would be interesting to know who the shareholders are. Also remeber the GB for several years now only has spiritual authority over the WTS and doesn't control the finances. At least that's what they say.

  • OnTheWayOut

    For the most part, the higher-uppers are not "lining their pockets" in some secret theft.
    Their theft is out in the open, unquestioned by the observers.

    The Bethel Heavies and Governing Body members travel the world, staying in lavish
    places, having locals pay to take them to the sites of the world and feeding them.
    They do this, then give a few talks, examine a few records, it's all in the name of the
    organization. The talks don't even have to be new, they are recycled- same talk in Hawaii
    can be delivered in London.

    Meanwhile, back at HQ, there are plenty of reasons to have business lunches or dinners with
    suppliers, lawyers, realtors.

    I do believe that these guys are not living "high on the hog" if you compared them with the
    likes of Bill Gates or Bill Clinton, but after struggling as missionaries and the like for up to
    decades, life at the top of WTS is a pretty good living for people who made it up there.

  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    The WTS has, since its earliest years kept its accounts under a veil of the strictest secrecy. No one but the closest GB member involved in any particular financial venture of the society has access to the figures.

    This trend was first established by the treasurer under Russell's presidency. Van Amburg, a dapper, white haired man who affected a well trimmed goatee, controlled WTS accounts with such a sense of classified paranoia, that the only person he allowed to see the figures was Russell himself. During the Miracle wheat trial, when Russell was on the ropes in a case involving alleged fraud, Van Amburg hurt Russell more than helped him by his unwillingness to give frank testimony in regard to the society's finances. This naturally reflected back on Russell who soon came to be regarded, uncharitably, and probably wrongly, as a charlatan.

    The next President JF Rutherford adamantly refused to allow anyone to inspect the Society's books, much less audit them. When his own vice-President, and a man he supposedly trusted, Andrew Pierson, asked to see the accounts, because of rumours that had begun to circulate about improper financial dealings between the the British Branch and NY Bethel, he was forced to resign.

    This has continued to this day. The WTS financial records are perpetually guarded by a phalanx of legal depositions that make it impossible for an investigator to probe. When one joins the WT movement, one soon realizes that there are certain areas that remain out of bounds, shrouded in impenetrable mystery. One of these areas is cash. Your only stipulation is to part with it, not scrutinize it.

    It is assumed by the R&F at large, on grounds no weightier than blind faith, that the WTS is a faithful custodian of its follower's money. Such trust has not always been recompensed. Men such as Rutherford and Knorr have lived such sybaritic and extravagant lifestyles, that without any accountability, they have been positively profligate with the money of others.

    I can recount one such example of profligacy. When Knorr flew on any Society business, first class, of course, he always booked a window seat and the seat next to him as well. This was ostensibly for his briefcase, but the real reason was his antipathy towards the preaching work. He felt he might actually have to talk to someone about the "Kingdom message" that he so prominently pontificated about from the platform. None of those followers of the WTS who regarded him with almost mystical awe, were aware that they were in fact paying for two first class tickets for a man who had such scorn for their hard earned money.


  • heyfea

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