WOW. OK. I TOLD THEM THAT THE MEETING WAS OFF. I SAID THAT WHATEVER THEY NEEDED TO SAY TO MY HUSBAND, THEY COULD SAY IT TO ME. I ALSO SAID THAT I DIDN'T FEEL THE "CHRISTIAN" HUSBANDS WERE A GOOD EXAMPLE OF WHAT A GOOD HUSBAND IS SUPPOSED TO BE, ESPECIALLY BECAUSE SO MANY OF THEM ARE DOWNRIGHT ABUSIVE TO THEIR WIVES. THIS IS WHAT I GOT IN REPLY TO THAT: (MY COMMENTS TO YOU ARE HIGHLIGHTED. I AM NOT GOING TO REPLY TO HER. OH YEAH, AND SHE WROTE IT IN PINK AND I CAN'T GET RID OF THIS FRICKING FONT!) I'm not going to argue with you and I'm no longer responding to any of your emails. Emails are useless as they seem to appear in your words "confrontational". THAT'S why I wanted to talk to you in person. They were fine until I received your last email which I deemed very rude. Did I misunderstand the tone, too? Well, if we can't seem to get the tone of each others emails, I'll repeat it: They are useless. You are so angry with men. NOT ALL MEN, JUST ASSHOLES WHO THINK THEY ARE THE #1 LIFE-FORM ON THE PLANET The men you have it out for are imperfect. And you don't know what goes on behind closed doors. YEAH, IT'S PROBABLY MUCH WORSE THAN ANYONE EXPECTS. THE PUNCHES AND BRUISES ARE PROBABLY METICULOUSLY CARRIED OUT IN PLACES EASILY HIDDEN BY CLOTHING. Their wives probably (I use that word because I'm not familiar with XXXX's wife's personality) throw punches back when provoked. I know XXX, XXXXXX, and I do. And it's a good thing you're not toting around a penis in your pants. Because you would be just like the Iraqi, Iranian, Asian men. Everyone sees how you treat Nick; like he's some kind of inferior when you don't get your way. I've heard you scream, low-rate and belittle him when he doesn't stop, drop and roll at your beckoning. Yes, luckily he so much like his mild-tempered father (gentle, Christ-like). Because he'd knock the shit out of you. Too bad you don't have a little "Christlike" in you. YOU, my dear, ARE WRONG to treat him like that!!! And I hope you are taking this tone as ANGRY AS HELL! Because, then AND ONLY then, will your judgment be correct. WOW, THIS AMAZES ME. REALLY. MY HUSBAND AND I ARE EQUAL, AND NEITHER OF US LOW-RATE OR BELITTLE THE OTHER. SHE'S NEVER HEARD US SCREAM AT EACH OTHER. SHE'S NEVER SEEN HIM COWER AT ME! HE DOESN'T COWER AT ME! NEITHER OF US ARE AFRAID OF THE OTHER. WHEN WE DO ARGUE (WHICH IS SO DAMN RARE BECAUSE WE GET ALONG SO WELL), WE WILL DO OUR SHARE OF YELLING. THEN WE APOLOGIZE AND HAVE GREAT MAKE-UP SEX. MAYBE IF THEY WERE SPYING ON US AND CIRCLING OUR HOUSE ON THEIR SILENT LITTLE GOLF-CART (STEALTH-BOMBER), AND SHE HEARD ME SCREAMING....IT WAS THE SEX. THAT KIND OF SCREAMING IS MORE OF A COMPLIMENT TO HIM, NOT AN INSULT BY ANY MEANS! Nick was headed in the right direction until you put a damper on that. You couldn't stand to see him being friends with other people who were happy. WOW. HE HID BEHIND MY SKIRT WHEN I BROUGHT HIM TO THE MEETINGS. I MEAN, HE WAS TERRIFIED OF THEM ALL. THE FAKE SMILES, THE OVER-FLOW OF WEIRDNESS, ALL OF IT FREAKED HIM OUT. NOT ONCE, IN THIS ENTIRE ORDEAL, DID HE MAKE FRIENDS WITH ANY JW. HE ALWAYS MADE ME PROMISE NOT TO LEAVE HIM ALONE WITH ANY OF THEM THERE. HE HELD MY HAND TIGHTLY TO MAKE SURE WE DIDN'T GET SEPERATED. OH, BY THE WAY, DID I MENTION THAT THEY AREN'T HAPPY PEOPLE AT ALL? He has so much potential. EVERYONE adores him. He's too nice. But sometimes that "too nice" is not so good. Having some of his own spine would be good; he needs to stand up to you; maybe you wouldn't be in the predicament you are in today. PREDICAMENT? SO, IF HE'D STAND UP TO ME, WE WOULDN'T BE HAPPIER LIKE WE ARE TODAY? BUT THAT'S THE THING. THERE'S NO CONFLICT OF BELIEFS BETWEEN US, SO THERE'S NOTHING TO STAND UP TO ME OVER. OH YEAH, AND JUST BECAUSE HE IS POLITE AND TACTFUL (SOMETHING THEY WOULDN'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT) DOESN'T MEAN HE IS SPINELESS. LIKE ANYONE ELSE, ONCE HE'S HAD ENOUGH, HE SPEAKS HIS MIND. You have NO facts; just stupid demonic influences. AND THE BIBLE IS FULL OF FACTS? You don't want to come over here. The influence here is not "dark" enough. The demon sitting on your shoulder cannot coach you here. The "light" here is too bright. WHOA! I AM A CREEPY WITCH. I GRAVITATE TOWARDS DARK THINGS. GOD IS SO GOOD, AND THAT'S WHY I HATE HIM. YEAH, THE DEVIL KILLED SO MANY PEOPLE IN THE BIBLE, WHILE BIG SWEET JEHOVAH WATCHED IN HORROR, AND CRIED. JEHOVAH IS JUST SO NICE, WHY CAN'T I JUST CHANGE MY EVIL MONSTER WAYS AND ACCEPT HIS LOVE??? ALL HE WANTS TO DO IS SHARE HIS LOVE WITH 6.5 BILLION PEOPLE AT ARMAGEDDON TIME Don't tell me there are no demons there. You told my mom you had a demon. MY SENILE GRANDMA? WHY WOULD I TELL HER THAT? BETTER YET, HOW COULD YOU TAKE HER WORD FOR IT? SHE DOESN'T EVEN REMEMBER OUR NAMES HALF OF THE TIME. SHE HAS ALZHEIMERS. LET'S NOT TAKE EVERYTHING SHE SAYS AS FACT. SHE'S CUTE AND I LOVE HER, BUT SHE'S NOT A RELIABLE SOURCE! What about all the other numerous ordeals in the past that you say were demonic. To deny there is a Jehovah is to deny there are demons. Quit contradicting yourself or fooling yourself. THE ONLY TIMES ANYTHING "CREEPY" HAS EVER HAPPENED (DOORS OPENING AND CLOSING ON THEIR OWN), WAS AT THEIR HOUSE! NOT MINE! NOTHING STRANGE HAS EVER OCCURED HERE. AND EVEN THEN, I HIGHLY DOUBT THAT THERE ARE DEMONS. SO, I CAN STILL DENY BOTH. SPIRITS IN ANOTHER DIMENSION DOESN'T PROVE A THING. And if the Bible was so twisted, why have prophecies recorded centuries ago been fulfilled AFTER being printed? TWISTED AS IN, VIOLENT. I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT PROPHECIES. I WASN'T THERE TO SEE THEM BEING FULFILLED AFTER BEING WRITTEN, AND NEITHER WAS SHE. THIS CASE IS DISMISSED. They are still being fulfilled (1 Tim. 3:1-5). You seem to be able to quote scriptures quite well. The Bible is VERY harmonious (contrary to what that little demon has you believing). *PETTING MY LITTLE DEMON* SHHH, DON'T TALK LIKE THAT ABOUT HIM, YOU'LL HURT HIS FEELINGS! I tell you what--get rid of that little demon(s) and we'll talk. Clear your house of all their possessions (Ann Rice books, etc.---you know EXACTLY what you got that keeps them there). Until then, don't bother calling, emailing or coming over (not that you gave much of a shit about that anyway). OK, I'M OFF TO THROW AWAY THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN HARDCOVER NOVELS, CDS, ANTIQUES, AND EVERYTHING ELSE THAT THESE SUPERSTITIOUS IDIOTS BELIEVE TO BE CONTROLLING MY MIND. THEN, AFTER WASTING MY MONEY AND REGRETFULLY THROWING MY STUFF AWAY, I WILL GO OVER FOR A REPROGRAMMING SESSION. MAYBE IT CAN GO BACK TO THE GOOD OLD DAYS WHEN WE USED TO VISIT DAILY AND MY DAD WOULD BELITTLE ME AND MY SISTERS TO SHOW OFF IN FRONT OF MY HUSBAND (WHILE MY HUSBAND KEPT HIS COOL AND HIS GAG REFLEXES IN CHECK) I don't know why I'm wasting my precious time here. You're not capable of reasoning anymore. That's a sad reality. WHO ISN'T CAPABLE OF REASONING? I'll always love you dearly. Time will heal my broken heart. It always does. Yes, it's natural to cry. Don't quote me a scripture on that. Because I'll respond with Rev. 21:4. BUT YOU SEE, I QUOTE SCRIPTURES TO HER BECAUSE SHE BUYS THEM. IF SHE QUOTES SCRIPTURES TO ME, IT DOESN'T QUITE HAVE THE SAME EFFECT. YOU KNOW? WHEN I LIKE...DON'T "FOLLOW" THE BIBLE, THE SCRIPTURE-THROWING IS USELESS. BEFORE I USED THEM AGAINST HER, I SAID, "YOU BELIEVE IN WHAT THE BIBLE HAS TO SAY, DON'T YOU?" I'VE MADE IT QUITE CLEAR TO HER THAT I THINK THE BIBLE IS GARBAGE. IT'S AMAZING HOW THAT FLIES WAY OVER HER HEAD AND SHE QUOTE SCRIPTURES BACK AT ME. I'm done! Don't respond to this.....I'll just delete it! HOW MATURE! When you clean up your act, you'll have to knock at my back door to get my attention! FUNNY, I JUST HIT "IGNORE" ON AN INCOMING PHONE CALL FROM THEIR HOUSE. I DON'T REMEMBER KNOCKING ON THEIR BACKDOOR THIS MORNING. WHY AM I GETTING MORE ATTENTION??? WELL, I JUST WANTED TO GIVE THIS UPDATE TO ALL MY FRIENDS HERE WHO HAVE BEEN FOLLOWING MY STORY AND WHO FIND THIS KIND OF DRAMA INTERESTING AND ENTERTAINING. TO ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS HAD SIMILAR PROBLEMS WITH THEIR PARENTS, CHEERS TO INDEPENDENCE AND FREEDOM! HAVE A GREAT DAY, AND I WILL CONTINUE TO KEEP YOU POSTED ON MY "BREAKING AWAY" SAGA. HOPEFULLY, SHE WILL STOP TRYING TO MAKE IT AS DIFFICULT AS SHE POSSIBLY CAN, AND LET IT DIE DOWN FOR A WHILE.
Hey, y'all wanna see some REAL crazy? I've gotcha covered!
by Schism 7 Replies latest jw friends
oh boy!
this was from your mom? i bet she wont be happy with you not emailing, she sounds like she wants to fight and keep it going cuz """she KNOWS she's RIGHT and YOU are WRONG" people like that feed off of confrontation no matter how much they deny it.
keep on keeping the peace in your own household and let the others self destruct!
good luck!
LMAO Ah good stuff.
I would totally make a hotmail address called Schism'sDemon (replace with your real name) and send your mom an email.
Use poor spelling and grammar, it's the demon way.
Offer to send her some Anne Rice books and say that if she ever gets bored he has a friend he can send her. Just make sure to turn the lights off first because "it hurtssss the eyessss..." -
If that isnt a "FINE! I didnt want to play with you ANYWAY! Im TAKING MY BALL AND GOING HOME SO THERE!" email...I dont know what is.
I think they love the drama of it all. Wont she be a sympathy grabber at the hall now. "Its HAPPENED to ME <sniff> I never thought it would happen to US!!! (waves copy of magazine.."When a Loved One Leaves Jehovah" for emphasis) "The DEMONS!! Oh the humanity!!! The DEEEEEEMONS got my daughter! Pray for her to call out Jehovahs name and saaaaaaave herself before the END!" Swoons into a chair. Sisters fan her. Brothers give her water.
Wow!! Did I say Wow? Wow..
LMAO @ all of your replies.
I am about to have an explosive vomiting episode. My dad came over. He's outside with my hubby. They're talking. Dad's trying to work the magic. It's dark outside and this was an unanounced visit. I started another post on this because I am just so.......I don't even have a words for it. Mad? Nervous? Scared?
I'll betcha anything your "nice" husband is fed up. Let him run defence for you tonight, dear.
And...enough with replying to mommie dearest. Let her go with her delusions for a year or two. I hear that the end is very near, ten months tops. I heard it from the mouth of a Jehovah's Witness, so it must be true. Maybe after the non-event she will be ready to listen. Not now.
Oh definitely, no more replies to mom.
I know that once this is all over tonight, my husband will be in here saying "why didn't you come SAVE me????"
And tonight was supposed to be margarita night!!!!!