Hi there been reading this forum for a few weeks and this is my first post. I recently came into contact with a person who is a jw and although we respect each others religion she has recently started preching that the end is near and how much we should hate this current system. We talk about the jw religion and she accepts my views when i question what she believes. I know she is not a hardcore jw but she is prepared to listen to my questions that question the credibilty if her religion. I was jus wondering as all of you have better knowledge than me if you could tell me what flaws you think the jw religion has so i can put this to her? Thank you
Flaws in jw religion
by adam1989 8 Replies latest jw friends
First off, welcome and thanks for joining the board!
I'd like to know what you question this JW about. Do you talk about JW doctrine, or do you question the leadership?
JWs will let you talk about doctrinal issues all day, because this gives them a chance to "witness," or spout their beliefs as "supported by the Bible."
Once you question the leadership, watch her clam up and get really defensive. Even for the non-hardcore jw, if you question "Mother" (the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society), the person will shut down and write you off as a wicken person or apostate.
Sir Nose is correct. It is a lesson in futility to talk with JWs about doctrinal points. First, they don't listen. They only think how they can "overcome" the argument with Watchtower jargon. Sadly, they can not use their own mental powers of perception.
However, a good discussion on the importance of Jesus in Christian belief may leave a point to ponder in the mind of a sincere individual. The Watchtower has replaced the importance of Jesus in the lives of JWs. For example, Jesus is not considered the "mediator" of the majority of Watchtower members. By suggesting that a person can only gain life in the "new system" through association with the Watchtower, it is ascribing salvation and deliverance through a human organization not through Christ. And this seems to be the major flaw of the Watchtower belief system.
drew sagan
It all depends upon what you know and what your goals may be.
I have personally noticed that JWs are quite weak in defending their doctrines regarding salvation and sin. Since they take the position that mankind will work off their sins (or pay for them through death) the role of Jesus is lowered. The typical Witness will tell you that Jesus died for your sins, but eventually will have to admit if you press them that he actually didn't die for all your sins, only Adams sin.
This is more of a Christian argument. If that is not your backround then you may want to ask them questions regarding their organizations flip flops on when the end of the world was coming. The recently just had to change a major doctrine in 1995 that failed to materialize (the generation doctrine, as it is called). They have cried wold many a time.
-Drew -
Oh, the "End is near", is it?!?!
I've heard that "Deliverance is at hand!" Over and over again: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/118225/1.ashx
Welcome to the board !!
All cults have the same characteristics,
Cult leaders claim they are the (Only Voice Of God)
Members are prohibited to question the established teachings
Isolation: members are not allowed to socialize with anyone that is not of their own faith, including participation in school programs, such as the arts and sports.
Child molestation and other criminal activities are handled (IN HOUSE) and are not reported to local civil authorities.
To achieve a sucessful discussion, always stay on one subject at a time.
Welcome Adam, many JW doctrines in fact do not have any biblical support exampes are eternal life on a paradise earth, two classes of believers one of which can not be part of the New Covenent of Christ (this is a very crude doctrinal error) the belief that their leaders were chosen by god to be his only reps and channels of info on earth, the belief that Jesus is a mere king of jehovah and not the Lord of the church and the whole of mankind to them jehovah is everything, the belief that the dead will be resurrected during the millenium reign and not after it etc etc
This old system ended back in 1975. We are currently in the new system of things, pretty cool ha. Unless I missed something, I've been away since 83. Maybe there going to end the system again. That was the major thrust of the religion as I remember. The sky is falling, the sky is falling. My grand father told me they were trying to end the world when he was young also. It doesnt seem to matter what system we are in, we all still get old and die. If your a witnoid you may die poor and not having any fun, Unless you like quickly building kingdom halls, and getting people out of bed on Saturday mornings.
There is so much you can do, but we don't know this JW. Ask what concerns you the most, then
make her stick to the Bible only. "Don't get that other book out. What does the Bible say, and you
explain how that applies to me, don't let some book explain it to me."I might simply say, "Did your organization ever claim to be prophets?"
"Did anything your organization foretold, NOT happen?"
"Why are JW's leadership not considered false prophets, worthy of destruction?"