Kung Fu films

by Clam 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Clam

    Are you into Martial Arts films?

    At the top of my list of course is Bruce Lee, but I quite like some of the modern films, particularly Stephen Chow stuff like Kung Fu Hustle or Shaolin Soccer.

    I don't watch them very often but I find them slightly mesmerising, even though they are mostly ludicrously far fetched.

    Who's the greatest? Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Chuck Norris, Van Damme, Jet Li? Or somebody else? What about Mr. Miyagi?


  • dmouse

    Have you seen Tony Ja in 'Warrior King'? Amazing fight scenes, especially in the burning temple. Very reminiscent of Jackie Chan (who has a brief cameo appearance at the airport)

    (I think it's called 'The Protector' in the U.S.)

    Other than that, I find Steven Segal's low-energy style more realistic than most martial artists - after all, how many times can you be kicked in the head and remain standing in real life?

  • Clam

    dMouse cheers I'll look out for that film Warrior King. You're right about the realism as well. There's something to be said for good old fashioned scraps, like the one between John Wayne and Victor McLaglan in The Quiet Man

  • needproof

    No doubt in my mind that Bruce Lee was the greatest, and shall never be beaten. A lot of people think that special effects were used to speed up his moves; in fact they were used but to SLOW down his moves. Newer martial arts films don't impress me at all; Bruce Lee, although Enter the Dragon, the Big Boss, Way of the Dragon etc were all poorly acted, who could forget the fight scenes? Sheer brilliance.

  • lfcviking

    I like Jackie Chan in 'The Armour of God'

    but of course Bruce Lee is the man

  • evetteto

    I am a big martial art fan.....love Bruce Lee, even his son Brandon was trying to do a lil sumthin...My favs are in this order.

    Bruce Lee, Jet Li, Van Damm, Jackie Chan( although his movies are very silly), Steven Segal's the man, Angela Mao, .Has anyone seen Sacred Knives of Vengeance? it is old as sin but really good. I have so many of the old movies. The guy who starred in The Transporter is good as well.

    now thats my 2 cent.

  • Qcmbr

    I love the Kung Fu TV series. The philosphy is just enough to appeal and yet not too mystical to alienate while the fighting is simple and rugged rather than the polished 'show' that seems to be the standard martial arts fare.


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