I am going to switch out music on my ipod to music to exercise, walk and workout to. What specific songs and music would YOU recommend or what is on your workout ipod currently? LRG
need some feedback on music
by littlerockguy 6 Replies latest jw friends
The FITNESS Top 100 Workout Songs Ever wonder what the professionals listen to when they're working out? We talked to top trainers across the country to find out. Continued: Debra Cox to The Go-Go's >>
"She Sells Sanctuary" - The Cult
"Groove Is In the Heart" - Deee-Lite
"Jumpin' Jumpin'" - Destiny's Child
"Get Ur Freak On" - Missy Elliot
"Unspeakable Joy" - Kim English
"The Rockafeller Skank" - Fatboy Slim
"Happy" - Fischersponer
"Take Me Out" - Franz Ferdinand
"Hemorrhage (in My Hands)" - Fuel
"Solsbury Hill" - Peter Gabriel
"We Got the Beat" - The Go-Go's
Gorillaz to Madonna -
Purps your AMAZING!!! Thanks to much !!
You have to make one for each mood of your workout. Something to get you to feel like you NEED to work out. Once you're doing your work out make it match. When lifting weights, do you want pump it or slow and easy? On a jog do you want Chariots of Fire or It Feels Good?
Get a good motivational song for the beginning, and a soothing, relaxing song for the end.
This is coming from a person that hasn't worked out in 4 years.
Make the songs last for the length of the entire workout. I could time how far I was in to my work out by the songs. After awhile, you're going to have to change up.
Metallica - Harvester of Sorrow Great to exercise to!
You can't beat some good Australian rock/pop - try:
Jet (Rit it Up, Put your Money Where your mouth is, Are you Gonna Be my Girl, etc, etc)
You Am I (Cathy's Clown, and a million others of theirs)
Spurs for Jesus (check em out on Myspace)
And, not Australian, but fun for a workout - Kaiser Chiefs. If you prefer something funkier try Amy Winehouse - she's been wearing out my Ipod.