Baptist Church giving courses about JW's teachings and past history

by JH 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Since a few months now, my mom goes to a Baptist church here in town, and everybody entering the church yesterday received this slip of paper below


    This is an invitation to anyone who would be interested receiving a "course" about JW's, given by a member of the Baptist church.

    They will talk about the following topics:

    - Where does the JW's religion come from

    - The Watchtower seen through it's literature and their false prophecies.

    - The JW version of the bible "New World Translation" and the name Jehovah

    - A quick look at their beliefs and doctrines

    - How should we react when confronted with JW's, and an example played out by members.

    If the JW's knew about this, they would probably say, "You see, they attack us because they know that we have the truth"

  • carla


  • Mary

    Obviously this is a ploy by Satan de Debbil to persecute God's true followers. We should expect this, as the bible foretold that there would come "riddiculers" in the last days. Surely this is another sign that Armageddon is near and that soon, God will destroy the Baptist church for trying to embarass us like this.

  • Rooster

    This is smart on their part.. Good job..

  • betterdaze

    Fore-warned is fore-armed.

    It's good to see a mainstream church protecting its flock from the WT cult in an educational and proactive manner.


  • SirNose586

    Oh no! What if some of the people become converts, right from the pew? Surely some of them have an intense desire to shun people who don't think exactly like them. Surely, a few in the church feel that attending once a week is not enough church in their lives. And I'm certain that a few of them wish they could face rejection by knocking on strangers' doors.

    The Baptists had better be careful about this new plan.

  • reneeisorym

    Awesome. I'm so happy to see this. I wish this was something more churches would do.

    I'm glad you translated it. I didn't realize how rusty my french was. There was a word in two of the sentences that I didn't know and so I couldn't figure out what the sentence was saying.

  • yaddayadda

    I can't help but think its a little pathetic when a particular church does this kind of thing, singling out some other group for specific attack. Of course the JW's can't complain because for years they have ruthlessly trashed the Catholics and Christendom in general. But it just strikes me as petty and nasty and one wonders about the motivation. It would be interesting to read the content of the 'course' too - no doubt it will be just as full of inaccuracies and bias as the JW's are often guilty of when they trash other groups.

  • Junction-Guy

    I think it's great they are doing this, it just makes our jobs a little easier.

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