"What is their attitude to those who are not in the fellowship? Is it a question of trying to get them in and if that fails give up on them and have no more to do with them or what? Have they no tolerance whatsoever of other people's differences and beliefs? So, can I suppose that xxxx will only want to know me if they think that there's a possibility that I may convert, and if that fails, which believe me it will, will then wash their hands of me?" This was question i was asked. i want to reply with a RECENT watchtower quote or something from recent literature(2000 onwards please, 2005/6 would be best, even better would be 2007 but i hav no idea what WBTS writing about at the moment?) im no longer a witness, and threw all my literature. Have tried searching on web but im a bit rubbish.
Current attitude of dubs to non witnesses
by mia_b 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I have not put down a recent one but one that is still valid and preached to JWs. JWs are cautioned not to socialize with non-JWs, definitely not to date them and that has not changed since this was printed. If you have a JW that insists on a 2007 quote to consider what is said below is valid per the WTS, they are lying to themselves and others.
*** w94 2/15 pp. 24-25 Keep Your Distance When Danger Threatens ***
We must also be on guard against extended association with worldly people. Perhaps it is a neighbor, a school friend, a workmate, or a business associate. We may reason, ‘He respects the Witnesses, he leads a clean life, and we do talk about the truth occasionally.’ Yet, the experience of others proves that in time we may even find ourselves preferring such worldly company to that of a spiritual brother or sister. What are some of the dangers of such a friendship?
We could begin to minimize the urgency of the times we live in or take a growing interest in material rather than spiritual things. Perhaps, because of a fear of displeasing our worldly friend, we would even desire to be accepted by the world. (Compare 1 Peter 4:3-7.) The psalmist David, on the other hand, preferred to associate with people who loved Jehovah. "I will declare your name to my brothers; in the middle of the congregation I shall praise you," he wrote. (Psalm 22:22) We will be safeguarded if we imitate David’s example, seeking friendship that can build us up spiritually.
Thanks blondie - its not a dub that its for its for a new family member who is asking what i quoted - thats why i wanted something as recent as possible. thanks v much for the quote, i appreciate it and will use it, as you say, the position has not changed :D