For JW's this is not an opinion question, so I would like to know your reasons for not believing he is. Thank You.
So why dont JW's believe that Jesus is Devine
by JesusIsKing 8 Replies latest watchtower bible
drew sagan
Maybe cause 'Devine' isn't a word.
Sad emo
Welcome JIK
Just to clarify your question - do you think we are JW's?
If your answer is 'yes', I suggest you research this site a bit more before you ask any more questions
Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe Jesus is 'devine' because their leaders tell them he's not.
I don't think JWs objected to the word "divine" as applying to Christ in earlier times. For years the Watchtower used those translations that rendered John 1:1 as "...and the Word was divine" as an alternative to the majority of tranlations that read "....and the Word was God." It only fell out of use when the NWT came along with "....and the Word as a god." This caused a storm of controversy among other Bible scholars.
Jehovah's Witnesses are unitarian. They reject the doctine of the trinity. This is not an exclusive teaching of the Watchtower organization since the trinitarian movement has continued from the earliest of times. Each side has its own scriptural arguments as to the relationship of Christ to God. And the debate will, undoubtedly, continue on...
Opps....meant to say the "unitarian movement has continued on from earlest time....."
JW's believe Jesus is divine. They do not believe he is the Almighty. They believe Jesus and the Father are distinct and seperate individuals.
This belief is not particular to them. however, they detract from Jesus the honor that is owed to him, because in their legalistic approach to
their belief system, they think any honor given to Christ is at the expense of the Father. They fail to see that threy were brought into existence by, for, and
because of Christ. They believe this way because they are told to.
: So why dont JW's believe that Jesus is Devine
You asked an opinion question.
:For JW's this is not an opinion question, so I would like to know your reasons for not believing he is. Thank You.
Yet, you don't want an opinion answer!
Braindead topic. Praise Jesus! (that's an opinion)
Y'all have a nice day in stupid land, ok?
Thank you.