shari, you've got a little bit of Rachel going on!
She's everybody's sweetheart, despite some (mostly) endearing quirks. And it looks like you too, have a little Rachel Green inside you. (If you're lucky, you might share her good looks too). Read more about your inner "Friend"…
Yeah, well it told me I was Phoebe when I took it last night!
Smmelllyyy cat....smmmellllllyy cat...what are they feeding you...
It also said my "inner Rock Star" was Celine Dion. Hmm. Didn't know she was considered a "rock star" *lol* Guess that goes to prove the point of all who've said I was a Prima Donna or Diva eh? *LOL*
Emode is addicting. I've been going there for months and it's just...a completely silly and fun way to waste time :)