This is actually posted under the first massive thread about the Society and UN, but I thought maybe it should have a post dedicated to this shocking softening of opinion.
My original post was as follows:
I just shared the information with my wife about the Society and the UN. She then replied that this situation was no different than Paul making use of the goverment to further the preaching work. Thats when I mentioned that the Society as a NGO is required to promote the ideals of the UN. Well at this point she asked me to show her where in the magazines or publications did the Society support the UN. Since I could'nt provide her with any proof she left for the meeting on a triumphant note. However when she got home I kind of gave her a shock because right on the Society's website is a charter of the UN's stance on the rights of children. After seeing that webpage she got quiet and so I thought it wise to change the subject, but I think the point was made.
For anyone interested in those webpages just follow these 2 links - Notice what is said at towards the bottom of the page. Better yet I'll paste the paragraph below:
Under God's Kingdom humans will be enabled to rear children in a balanced way. (Job 33:24-26) <b>Young folks will be raised in the spirit of peace and universal brotherhood, the ideal set forth in the UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child.</b> (Psalm 46:8, 9) Never again will there be the need for an International Year of the Child or for a Convention on the Rights of the Child.