How does WTBS tie Antipas to modern day Jehovahs Witnesses even though he is by named mentioned by Jesus in Revelation?
Antipas and JW's
by architect 2 Replies latest watchtower bible
Antipas was a martyr. So all Jehovah's Witnesses who are martyred are a 'modern-day Antipas' (Apparently)
Here you go:
Revelation Ch 9. Para 6
"6 Such counsel has been urgently needed. In the face of unreasoning patriotic fervor, Jehovah’s Witnesses, both anointed ones and their companions, have had to stand firm in the faith. In the United States, hundreds of children and teachers were dismissed from schools because they did not salute the national flag, while in Germany the Witnesses were viciously persecuted for refusing to salute the swastika. As already noted, Hitler’s Nazis killed thousands of Jehovah’s loyal servants because they refused to share in such nationalistic idolatry. In the 1930’s, during Japan’s heyday of Shinto emperor worship, two pioneer ministers sowed much Kingdom seed in Japanese-occupied Taiwan. The military rulers threw them into prison, where one of them died because of the harsh treatment. The other was later released, only to be shot in the back—a modern-day Antipas. To this day, there are lands where worship of nationalistic symbols and exclusive devotion to the State are demanded. Many youthful Witnesses have been imprisoned, and not a few executed, because of their courageous stand as Christian neutrals. If you are a youth who faces such issues, study God’s Word daily so that you may “have faith to the preserving alive of the soul,” with everlasting life in view.—Hebrews 10:39–11:1; Matthew 10:28-31." -
Any one that decided to lay down his/her life for the sake of the WTS following their instructions is pitifully misguided as can be seen in the Malawi-Mexico discrepancy. Belonging to the WTS is very much unlike belonging to the early church.