George W is good entertainment

by GWEEDO 4 Replies latest jw friends

    "In this country we don't ask the question, 'What is your religion?' or 'Where are you from?' We ask the question, 'Are you united to defend freedom?'" xt_100401.html
    "This is a strong coalition. It's a strong coalition because we've got great leadership. But it's a strong coalition because we're right. Because it's a strong coalition. Because we've made it clear, this is not a war between Christianity or Judaism and Islam."

    "But in our angry, we must never forget we're a compassionate people as well."

    from CNN audio transcript, but not in official transcript at
    "And there's no doubt in my mind -- not one doubt in my mind -- that we will fail. Failure is not a part of our vocabulary. This great Nation will lead the world and we will be successful."
    "The evildoers struck, but they may have hurt our buildings, and they are obviously affecting some family lives in such a profound and sad way."
    "I see out of this evil will come good, not only here at home, as youngsters all of a sudden understand the definition of sacrifice, the sacrifice of those brave souls on Flight 93 who, after the 23rd Psalm said, let's roll to save America."
    "The best way to realize this country is to learn how to read and write."
    "I am here to make an announcement that this Thursday, ticket counters and airplanes will fly out of Ronald Reagan Airport."

    "We also, as you well know, are increasing the number of air marshals, armed marshals on airplanes. They'll be undercover -- let me rephrase that -- they'll be wearing civilian clothes."
    "All we ask is that you use the same amount of effort the United States will to win this war against freedom, to win this battle against global terrorism."

  • Celia

    I can't stand the guy.
    No matter what the occasion, he always has this stupid smirk on his face.
    He can't talk.
    When he does say something half intelligent, it's because he's reading from a script.
    He can't improvise, the way Clinton could.
    Have you heard Tony Blair the other day, that was a speech, the man is eloquent, he has a great presence, W.Bush to me looks and acts like a rotten brat. He doesn't have a clue.


    Just as well he didn't screw up that speech he gave to the Nation a few weeks ago. His aids must have been sweating on every word he spoke

  • Pathofthorns

    You remember those nervous speakers in the MINISTRY SCHOOL that left you sweating in your seats during the long awkward pauses?

    That's the same feeling that GW Bush leaves those listening to him speak extemporaneously.

    But that speech to the nation Gweedo is referring to was absolutely killer. Better to keep the guy to his notes and leave the questions from reporters to his buddies.


  • teejay

    Waaaay too funny, GWEEDO!!

    "... let's roll to save America."

    "... ticket counters and airplanes will fly out of Ronald Reagan Airport."

    "We also, as you well know, are increasing the number of air marshals, armed marshals on airplanes. They'll be undercover -- let me rephrase that -- they'll be wearing civilian clothes."

    God... Saturday Night Live could do a good hour on his quotes alone. Haven't laughed that hard in a while.

    Just as well he didn't screw up that speech he gave to the Nation a few weeks ago. His aids must have been sweating on every word he spoke.

    Ain't it the truth. They must've been going nuts. He did a good job, though. A great speech. Probably his finest twenty minutes.

    Thanks GWEEDO.


    "If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging."-- Will Rogers


    You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free, but first it is going to make you incredibly miserable.
    -- Brenda Clark

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