Working together

by Junction-Guy 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Junction-Guy

    Folks I want to say this, we need to put aside our political and religious differences, and work together to stop this cult dead in its tracks.

    I am an equal opportunity apostate, I dont care if you're white,black,democrat,republican, gay,straight,christian, atheist. We all need to work together to oppose this cult.

    We need to pool our resources, and I dont necessarily mean money.

    We need people willing to step up and offer their assistance. We need some journalists, we need a few politicians, we need a few more lawyers, we need to actively seek out the support of child welfare agencies.

    If you have some skill, please make it known. If you have some connections, please utilize them.

    If you have friends that own newspapers or TV Stations, Radio stations, then network network network.

    My brother and I are both networking, and we are finding people who are interested in our cause.

    All it takes is one major TV figure, one major politician, to hit on our story, then we can hit the jackpot.

    I personally have lived like a hermit these past few years, but Im gonna start getting out, and getting to know people, and make some connections.

    I am a man with a plan, nothing will stop me or discourage me.

  • Chameleon

    good luck.

  • Junction-Guy

    Thanks Chameleon

  • MsMcDucket

    Nothing like a man with a cause!

    It is said that if you do not stand for something, then you will fall for anything. (anon)

  • jaguarbass

    Go Get em Junction, Guy!

  • Junction-Guy

    Thanks Jaguar Bass, and Ms Mcducket, that is actually the name of a country song by Aaron Tippin, "You've got to stand for something"

  • sf

    My very strong opinion is that the evry ones who CAN and SHOULD be stopping this cult, who continue and choose, for whatEVER 'reason', to stay connect-dead in it's tracts {pun intended}, are not pulling their weight in the fight to expose this organizations deadly policies.

    Take what you know and expose it to the CONGREGATION. The news. The authorities. Your representatives. YOUR COMMUNITIES. Get out of your-selves and start sharing the wealth of knowledge you've gained from THE REAL TRUTH.

    I stand firm on this.



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